- ago
This has happened twice today. Working with the app and it literally disappeared from the screen. I can still see the icon at the bottom of the screen but clicking on it will not get the program to reopen. I have to close and reopen the program. Any ideas on why this is happening and how to prevent?
17 Replies



- ago
You are running Wealth-Lab in a virtual machine. This adds a layer of things which may make it behave in a less predictable fashion than with 'regular' hardware. There's nothing to suggest since there is not enough information re: what you were doing in the program nor how the VM is configured (e.g. not enough RAM allocated).
- ago
Should not b RAM. I have 24 GB on this machine.
- ago
I've been following this discussion. If this was an application problem, everyone would be seeing it. They aren't, so it remains an OS level problem and the configuration of the OS and the application install on the OS needs to be troubleshooted.
Should not be RAM. I have 24 GB on this machine.

You are talking about "physical memory" installed, but what actually matters is how much memory the application itself is seeing from the OS. We call this the "working set", and in my WL8 install, WL8 is getting 330MBytes from the OS--see screenshot. (I also have 32GBs installed in my workstation, but WL8 is only getting 330MB of that and WL is working fine for me.)

So this is an OS (or VM) problem, and we need to look there. If troubleshooting the OS and the install is too confusing, you might have a computer friend or the Geek Squad take a look at it.
- ago
Should not b RAM. I have 24 GB on this machine.

It does not imply that the VM is configured correctly.
Best Answer
- ago
So what then does the working set number tell me and where do I go to find this?
- ago
what then does the working set number tell me and where do I go to find this?

The "working set" specifies the amount of physical memory (not virtual memory) the OS has allocated to an application. In this case, Windows is giving the WL8 process 330MBytes of physical memory for execution on my workstation.

The Windows tool I'm using to display the working set is called Process Explorer. It's part of the Sysinternals package you can download from Microsoft to debug OS-level problems. (I'm a computer engineer, so I enjoy using these tools.) There's a download link at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/ But you don't need to download the entire package. Process Explorer is the only tool out of the package you need to install.

If you're not a systems-level guy, the Geek Squad can help you troubleshoot OS problems. But I honestly think your OS is not allocating enough working set for WL8 to work correctly. And I agree with Reply# 4 which is suggesting that's because your VM is not configured correctly to allow enough working set to be allocated by the system. WL8 requires a larger working set than most applications; therefore, it would be the first to struggle if your VM system isn't configured optimally.

I would think your VM system comes with tools to help you configure it. Have you tried running some of those tools to see how much working set applications (like WL8) on your machine are getting? I would talk to the support people for your VM configuration first and ask them which VM tools you should be using to troubleshoot this problem. If they aren't helpful, then I would call the Geek Squad.

If you're a computer professional, Microsoft Press sells a book called Windows Internals that can give you more technical details, which may interest you. I think it's available on Amazon.
- ago
Thanks for this. I am online with vm support right now. Hopefully they can help
- ago
Hi again. Folks are suggesting that I upgrade from windows 10 to 11. Any comments on this? M
- ago
OK folks, what amount of working memory is needed. Right now the CPU for the VM is set a 2 GB the lowest setting available. Seems clear this is not enough. What is the minimum required for WL8?
- ago
Folks are suggesting that I upgrade from windows 10 to 11.

WL8 and VM should work okay under Windows 10. Are there features in Windows 11 that would make VM work better? If so, please elaborate.

Did you get your VM system configured right? What's the working set size for WL8 under this new configuration?

There was one Windows 11 user that was complaining open strategy windows sucking up too much CPU cycles when WL8 was idling. (Search the forum for that discussion.) That's a problem with the early Windows 11 video device drivers not getting along with WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). My recommendation would be to upgrade your Windows 11 video drivers once every 6 months until Windows 11 is about 18-22 months old. By then, they should have most of the salient driver bugs fixed.
- ago
Right now the CPU for the VM is set a 2 GB the lowest setting available. Seems clear this is not enough. What is the minimum required for WL8?

You mean, "What's the minimal amount of memory to make VM work right?" That's a VM question; we don't know.

Didn't your VM system come with tools to help you answer this question? What are those VM tools telling you? Sound like you need to talk to VM support again, or read up on the docs for those VM performance tools.
- ago
Hmmm. Well not to my understanding. The question is what amount of working ram is needed by wl8 to function well. Right now the vm was set at 2. I just changed to 6 with a setting that would change that as needed. So I am hoping this will take care of the issue. M
- ago
Ok Have worked with wl8 with new memory and I think that was the issue. Working faster and seems stable. Veah! Remember this if other folks like me have vm issues in tg future. M
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Yes this is valuable info. I added "in VM" to the title to help others who might be searching for VM related info.
- ago
I had a hunch :) Glad to see @drjay up and running again.
- ago
Don't know if you'll see this but adding memory to use with the VMwas perfect. It used to take forever for the program to load. Now loads in seconds. Very stable. Working very well.
- ago
Sure, we see everything posted here. So "Stay hungry" does not work when it comes to RAM, including allocation in VMs. There shouldn't be any memory hunger.


