- ago
I am working with two ETFs - tQQQ and SQQQ. I want to set up 5 minute and 1 minute charts. Frequently, as just now, I will set up 1 minute chart in TQQQ. Fine. Then go to SQQQ to set up 1 minute chart. It does this but in doing so it also makes the original TQQQ chart into another SQQQ chart. This happens all the time.

6 Replies



- ago
OK, here is more problems to this problem. I close the chart, open a new chart. It comes up with all the year's data. I go to requesting i minute chart. It then converts the dates available to 1 day - the first day the ETF was available!!
- ago
Curiously earlier I had gone to data manger historical providers and tested TQQQ for 1 minute data which came out fine. Given what just happened I decided to do the same with SQQQ. However, the only option was to run historical data with daily. 5 or 1 minute was not an option. Not sure what this means but seemed notable.
- ago
About the first issue you noted (changing symbol in one chart changes another chart to that symbol). You may have linked the charts. In the upper left corner of the chart window, to the right of the button that appears as a "lightning strike", is the link button. Make sure the link button is not active.
- ago
I assume it would be highlighted. It is not.
 ( 6.63% )
- ago
When you open a New Chart window...
1. the data is loaded based on the settings in Preferences > Data > Amount of Data to Load into Chart.
2. If "Always load All Data for Charts in Daily+ Scale", you'll get All data for the first chart.
3. When you switch to an intraday scale, see #1.
4. At any time, you can click the date range at the bottom of the chart to load with any other setting.

Can't help you with the other stuff without seeing what you're looking at - it's probably just a misunderstanding. Post some images to show the environment and also show the list of your checked Historical Providers.
- ago
Can we switch this conversation to the one with this actual topic listed? I did check the box for always load all data and ran the effort again., And again got the same problem of going to one day first day of the ETF. I will post picture per your request on other topic.


