- ago
Actually I use free of charge the basic version 7 until the version 6.9 license end, i.e. until February 28th 2022. I parallelly use the 6.9 license.
Can I upgrade to version 7 premium by paying only an additional charge of 100 USD, with the version 7 premium license ending February 28th 2022?
If this is possible, how can I make the upgrade?

On the web page and in my account ("Your Purchases" / "Manage Subscription") I saw today only the opportunity to buy a completely new license for 400 USD, ending on April 8th 2022.
10 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Hi Micha100,
Here's how we'd like to handle this case for now:

1. Please cancel your WL7 Subscription by clicking your username in the upper right corner and then Your Purchases, and Cancel. Let us know when you complete this step by posting a message here.

2. We'll reset some things on our side.

When we've finished with the reset, we'll notify you to sign up again. This way you'll preserve your extended trial with the new plan until your anniversary date.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Hi Micha100 -
1. As a new WL6.9 customer before 9 March 2020, we changed your WL7 trial license to Premium, but your "Subscribed license" will remain Annual until...

2. Next year, if you don't cancel, you'll be charged $299 for the Annual subscription.

3. At that time you can upgrade to Premium for the $100 difference.

All clear?
- ago
Dear Cone,

many thanks for your answer.

As far as I understand, my contract is cancelled at the moment, so it automatically ends at March 1st 2022. Is this right?
In my profile stands:
"Derzeitiger Plan" "Gekündigt"
"Nach dem Ende Ihrer kostenlosen Testphase am 1. März 2022 ist dieser Plan nicht mehr verfügbar."
So if I want to extend the contract, then I would have to press the button
"Plan verlängern"?

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
You made me look more closely - you're right. Your canceled subscription expires on March 1, 2022 20:51 UTC.

At that time, your choices to stay with us are:
1. Continue with WL6.9 only for $150 annually, or,
2. Subscribe to the WL7 Plan you like, and use both WL7 and WL6.9 during the subscription period.
3. We don't even want to consider the 3rd option!
- ago
Can I upgrade plan ?

Thought I had bought extension but .... NOH..

Thanks. Recently renewed.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
You can upgrade to Premium.
Go to your Purchases page, subscribe to premium and check the price. The prorated price should something less than $99.
- ago
Tks VM.
- ago
I have a question about subscription and up upgrade too. I'd like to subscribe monthly to make sure that I can learn how to use WL8 and make it worth my subscription use. If I get a monthly subscription now and it works out well can I upgrade to the longer plan for the difference in the cost?
- ago


