- ago
I had been using a beta version of 7.0. The 14 day trial has ended. As a user of 6.9 I thought I had a 3 month trial period. I have uninstalled the Beta version and tried to install 7.0 from the website. It will not let me open the new version saying that the trial version is over. How do I proceed to be able to open 7.0?
13 Replies



- ago
I know it may be confusing because it's not evident that one has to somehow authenticate to unlock WL7. In WLD6 we used a combination of first/last name and activation key. In WL7 you authenticate by going to the Help menu > choose "Download your license". You will also be prompted to do so by the dialog window saying trial has expired.

Another factor that isn't clear that in order to activate your extended trial first you have to "Buy" a subscription plan on this page:


Bottom line: subscribe to a plan and then enter your username "traderbob24" and the website password to download your extended WL7 trial license of an active WL6 customer.
- ago
Here you can find out if you are entitled for a free extended WL7 trial.

- ago
I am Fidelity transferred WL6.9 customer expiring Jan 2022. Downloaded and authenticated the final version of WL6. Signed up for premium WL7. Installed and validated WL7. All good except WL7 license indicates trial expiration and license billing in June 2021. Expected expiration and bill in Jan 2022 as with WL6. Why the early WL7 bill?
- ago
Expected expiration and bill in Jan 2022 as with WL6.

Customers with more than 91 days left in the maintenance fee period, such as legacy Fidelity customers, get an automatic 91-day free trial of WL7. This is fair given that WL7 is a new product written from scratch and not backed by Fidelity.

Please point me to where it states that the extended free trial period of WL7 runs as with WL6 and it will get corrected. Thanks.
- ago
Clearly misunderstood. Got it now. Thanks.
- ago
Customers with more than 91 days left in the maintenance fee period, such as legacy Fidelity customers, get an automatic 91-day free trial of WL7. This is fair given that WL7 is a new product written from scratch and not backed by Fidelity.

I am a legacy Fidelity customer and installed WL7 about a week ago but it looks like it only gave me a 14-day trial. Couldn't figure out where to find my subscription expiration, but I think it's in 2022, so that meets the 91-day test above.
- ago
Please see Post #2 above.
- ago
Been there, done that. Have re-read policy page https://www.wealth-lab.com/WealthLab-6-Conversions mulitple times.

After going through several additional posts, my conclusion is that, as a Fidelity Legacy Maintenance user I have to purchase WL7 to get longer than a 14-day trial (actually a 91-day) trial, and that subscription is separate from my current active subscription (maintenance) on WL6.

Would appreciate knowing how to find my maintenance expiration date on WL6. Based on a @cone post, once I have a WL7 subscription, I can continue using WL6 without paying a renewal maintenance fee, but without WL6 support.

When does the WL7 subscription period officially start, at the beginning or end of the trial?

 ( 10.10% )
- ago
You do have to subscribe to get the extended trial, but you will not get charged until the end of your customized (91 day?) trial period.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks, Glitch. I understood that. But I also asked about when the subscription period starts, at the beginning or end of trial.

Example: If I purchase an annual subcription on June 1, 2021, does it expire May 31, 2022, or August 31, 2022 (one year from expiration of trial end).

I'm asking because I would be paying for two subcriptions simulataneously until WL 6 maintenance expires, and just want to understand how many months of overlap I would be paying for.
 ( 10.10% )
- ago
It starts at the end of the trial.
- ago
Got it. Thanks. You may want to clarify this at https://www.wealth-lab.com/WealthLab-6-Conversions that, while you are billing at end-of-trial, you are *not* back-billing for the trial period. This is very fair and generous, and is the way Google does their trials as well. (Modern trial philosophy, IMO.)

- ago
Offtopic conversation moved here:


