- ago
I'm just getting started testing out the auto-trading capabilities. I linked to Tradestation and connected to the sim account in TS. When i look at the log in the Log Viewer i see many errors related to download rate. Is there a way to resolve these errors?
4 Replies



 ( 5.94% )
- ago
How many symbols are in the DataSet that you're working with?
What are you doing exactly?

TS has strict limits on the number of requests per minute. You can't have more than 100 symbols streaming and I think 100 requests per minute is the maximum.... 500-symbol DataSets aren't going to be compatible.

Edit -
Actually, it looks like the quota is 500 per 5 minutes for market data requests. So you could trade an almost-500-symbol DataSet for 5-minute bars or higher by polling. The quota resets every 5 minutes... once you get "Too many requests", wait 5 minutes before trying again.
- ago
I have 3 symbols in my list and have the bar interval set to 15 minutes. i wonder if it is because i have TS desktop open also? I will test it tomorrow without TS desktop open.
- ago
No, it's not because you have TS platform open. Somehow you are requesting more data than the quota's support.

WL will need your sequence of events to better understand this.

ALSO, make sure you ov version 5 of the TS plugin.

- ago
I tried to repro this error but now i do not see it. Thanks for the assistance, i will post again if i can repro.


