- ago
When I use an IndexLab indicator (e.g. CompAboveBelow) as an entry filter in a BuildingBlock strategy, I often (not always) get the german error_message after I pressed 'Run Backtest':

'Der aufrufende Thread kann nicht auf dieses Objekt zugreifen, da sich das Objekt im Besitz eines anderen Threads befindet.'
translated in english:
'The calling thread cannot access this object because the object is owned by another thread.'

The error_message appears in german language at the bottom of the BuildingBlock Window. After the massage appears, the backtest stops.
I've no problems using all (!) the IndexLab indicators within a chart, only within BB strategies.
Do you have an idea how to make IndexLab indicators suitable within a BB strategy?
5 Replies



- ago
Despite the error is intermittent for you, what conditions help reproduce it?

1. Strategy (Blocks)
2. Strategy Settings
3. Data
 ( 9.35% )
- ago
Is it possible you're attempting to create a new IndexLab indicator on a DataSet that isn't downloaded yet? If so, this could trigger enabled Providers to attempt to auto-initialize and could be the cause of the message. I can see about disabling that for IndexLab, but try and make sure the data you're using in IndexLab is fully updated first to avoid it.
- ago

1. I only use WealthData marketdata
2. When I use an IndexLab indicators in a BB Strategy and I use the same DataSet within the IndexLab indicator and I run one backtest after another it could happen that two backtests run good and the third breaks up. It also can happen that the first backtest breaks up. So I can not surely reproduce it.
3. When I make an optimization run sometimes it comes to an end, sometimes it stops after for example the 18th run (than the Tabular shows the finished run 1 to 17)

I think we don't have a programming error here because then I could reproduce it precisely. Do you have an idea what I can try?

The error occurs as soon as I use an IndexLab indicator in an BB, for example 'Indicator compare to indicator' within a 'Buy at Limit' or 'Buy at Market' Entry.
The datasets I use within such an indicator are the standard WealthData Datasets e.g. S&P100
In the Strategy Settings I'm using a individual Data Set with Wealth Data Symbols

I hope you have an idea how to fix the problem.
 ( 9.35% )
- ago
I believe I have this resolved for Build 51.
- ago
Thank you, looking forward to 51


