This one hit me several times now:
I have a strategy with a set of Parameters.
These are displayed with sliders in the lower right corner of WL's main window.
During experiments I usually key in a new value for one of the parameters (not using the slider, because it is faster to arrive at a specific value if typed.)
Then I (do not enter RETURN but) click "Run Backtest".
The parameter value gets (automagically) reset to its previous value. (Hard to notice)
So I get the same results as before.
Workaround: Hit RETURN after entering a new value.
My headache: I forget hitting RETURN all the time and have to repeat (some long running) backtests again and again :(
Please modify the WPF Binding of these parameter widgets like so:
This binding will do it...
I have a strategy with a set of Parameters.
These are displayed with sliders in the lower right corner of WL's main window.
During experiments I usually key in a new value for one of the parameters (not using the slider, because it is faster to arrive at a specific value if typed.)
Then I (do not enter RETURN but) click "Run Backtest".
The parameter value gets (automagically) reset to its previous value. (Hard to notice)
So I get the same results as before.
Workaround: Hit RETURN after entering a new value.
My headache: I forget hitting RETURN all the time and have to repeat (some long running) backtests again and again :(
Please modify the WPF Binding of these parameter widgets like so:
Text="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
This binding will do it...
Me too. Always have to remember to hit Tab.
Will do it. Thanks!
Will do it. Thanks!
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