- ago
My strategy keeps getting deactivated in the strategy monitor and gives the following error in the log:

20-11-2024 16:10:57: Status = Idle
20-11-2024 16:17:06: Running Now
20-11-2024 16:17:07: Status = Processing
20-11-2024 16:17:07: Pass 1 - Requesting updates for 688 symbols...
20-11-2024 16:17:11: Exception: One or more errors occurred. (Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
20-11-2024 16:17:11: Status = Deactivated
20-11-2024 16:17:11: Leaving Polling Thread
12 Replies



- ago
(Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)

That's a common error when there's a bug in your strategy. If you post it, we may be able to locate it.

You only need to post the part that causes this error. The rest we don't care about.
- ago
But the strategy just runs fine without errors when I run it in the Strategy window.
It only gets disabled in the Strategy Monitor.
How can I find the error (it's a Building Block strategy)?
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
It's not necessarily the strategy, but if you want us to take a look, please export your strategy and send it to support@wealth-lab.com. Send images of the S. Monitor item's configuration, Trading Preferences, and the checked list of Data Manager > Historical Providers.
- ago
The same thing happens when I run the One percent a week strategy in the Strategy Monitor. So it looks like the problem isn't with my strategy, it happens with all my strategies and even the One percent a week.
- ago
So it's not your strategy that's the problem. You need to post images of the S. Monitor item's configuration, Trading Preferences, and the checked list of Data Manager > Historical Providers so we can troubleshoot them. It's something in there.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Still waiting for some of that data I requested in Post #3.
It's only happening to you, so we need something to from your machine to go on. Post it here or send it to support:

1. Images of the S. Monitor item's configuration,
2. Trading Preferences, and
3. the checked list of Data Manager > Historical Providers.
4. Copy and paste the corresponding error from Log Viewer (Ctrl+L)
Best Answer
- ago
Well I found what is causing it but don't know the fix.
It's the DataSets that are causing it. When using my own DataSet or for example the Russell 1000 DataSet that is available in WL the Strategy Monitor keeps deactivating.
When using Wealth-Data SP500 or Nasdaq 100 the strategies have no problem and are just running fine in the Strategy Monitor.

The Russell 1000 data is from Yahoo Finance, so could Yahoo! as a provider give the problem in the Strategy Monitor? When just updating the DataSets in the Data Manager Yahoo! Finance works fine.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
We're working on improving World Indices updates, but you can't blindly depend on Yahoo!'s lists, certainly not for now. Update the list in the Data Manager, sort, and find the "bad" symbols. You can use that as a basis to create your own new DataSet to work with.

It'll be hard keeping up with symbol changes and the like for Russell lists. So if you're really serious about it, I recommend a Norgate Data subscription. You won't have to wait for data updates and the lists are kept up-to-date (changes might take a day or two to register).

That said, I'll see if we can find/duplicate that Object ref error, because that shouldn't happen even for bad data.
- ago
see if we can find/duplicate that Object ref error, because that shouldn't happen even for bad data.

Right. But it might be nice if the Yahoo data provider flagged bad symbols as soft errors in the log viewer if the DataSet was created by the user, and the user should manually remove that bad symbol.
- ago
Well one DataSet I created and also gives the error is Wealth-Data S&P500 and Nasdaq 100 put in one DataSet. Just copy-paste the Wealth-Data symbols and put them together in a new created one. But that also needs manual adjustments unlike the Wealth-Data sets.

So don't know if it's Yahoo or just some corrupted symbols.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
You shouldn't do that with Wealth-Data symbols since these dynamic DataSets include delisted symbols. When you create your own DataSet with them, the information of when to include them in backtests is lost.

Anyway, I see the error, and here's how you can avoid it until Build 106.

1. Strategy Monitor's item > Configure...
2. Temporarily select any Intraday scale > like 1 minute.
3. Uncheck "Filter Pre/Post Market Data"
4. Re-select Daily Scale.
5. OK

You'll no longer be bothered by this error. It's a bug that occurred for symbols that returned data, but couldn't be updated.
Sorry about this and thanks for helping to identify it.
- ago
Great, thank you Cone for the solution/workaround.


