I want to sort the SP&500 stocks according to the Mansfield Relative Strength Indicator. Without buying or selling. Is that possible?
Of course, but then what? C# Coded Strategy? Blocks?
See the PFPR (Portfolio Percentile Rank) Indicator. Available with the finantic.Indicators extension.
Works equally well with Blocks or C# code.
Works equally well with Blocks or C# code.
with blocks
But what do you want to do with the sort? What's the output?
I want to buy the 5 strongest stocks every month
I'm confused about the "without making trades" part then.
Anyway, just create a new Strategy > Rotation, select MRS as the indicator, and adjust the other settings as appropriate.
Anyway, just create a new Strategy > Rotation, select MRS as the indicator, and adjust the other settings as appropriate.
Thanks. I have set up a good rotation system.
I've dropped the very confusing "without buying or selling" part from the topic title.
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