- ago
How do the two settings work (building blocks) 1) single / multiple open positions with 2) strategy settings - max.open per Symbol? The test results change if, for example, you select "multi open position" and then change "max open per symbol" from zero to 1, 2, 3 etc.. But how does it work? "multi" means several but eg. multi and max open zero is also accepted?! Or do you have to set "multi" in every case and then doing the details adjustments with "max open position" 1, 2 , 4 ...? And how do the two settings complement each other? Thank you!
8 Replies



- ago
The position sizing settings (which limit the number of maximum total, long and short positions as well as the max. open pos. per symbol) apply on top of your Single/Multiple choice in Blocks. They act as a global filter. For example, setting Max Open Positions to 1 effectively overrides choosing Multiple positions in Blocks.
Best Answer
- ago
Thank you. And what happens with "max. Open position - for example - 3" and the radio button on building blocks is set to "single position"? Will the selection of the radio button be overwritten? I am still not quite clear ...
 ( 10.92% )
- ago
No, the block will still manage its single position.
- ago
Ok, Thanks - then I don't understand why the radion button on the building blocks is actually needed? Actually, it is unnecessary, because I could set the number of open positions (from zero to 99) using the setting "max. Open per symbol". Isn't it?
 ( 10.92% )
- ago
The bb setting is not made obsolete because a bb strategy can have multiple entry blocks. And each entry block manages a position. So the position size radio buttons would apply on top of that.

It’s also much more intuitive to have a setting for single or multiple position right where you are creating the strategy. If we defaulted it to always use multiple position, then the user would have to know to go to the other tab and change that max positions value to 1 all the time. That would be pretty annoying.
- ago
Coming back to the discussion above, I still do have a question.
I get different results if I use max open positions 2 as strategy setting and then choose single or multi positions at design surface. Can you please let me know the difference?
- ago
Isn't it pretty natural that different results are produced when using two different options. Could you clarify what you're concerned with?
 ( 10.92% )
- ago
If you use Single Position mode in the Building Block Design Surface, it will limit the Strategy to one open position (per entry block, I'm assuming you use 1 entry block).

If you use Multiple Position mode in the BB Design Surface, it will limit it to 2 open positions overall, since you selected 2 in Max Open Positions Position Size settings.


