Backtest can take much time (for example if the dataset is large and TF is 1 minute etc.). But WL7 has only spinning indication that shows that the process is running. I would like to get more information. Like progress bar showing current idx to total bars.Count value for the biggest BarHistory of the dataset or something.
As always I can emulate something like this) - sending messages to LogViewer, that will be shown in the status bar. But no one like workarounds if you can have nice looking and working solution.
As always I can emulate something like this) - sending messages to LogViewer, that will be shown in the status bar. But no one like workarounds if you can have nice looking and working solution.
I'd prefer a laconic progress bar to the feature creep and a GUI overloaded with unnecesary info. How would knowing that bars count help you?
I'd prefer a laconic progress bar to the feature creep and a GUI overloaded with unnecesary info. How would knowing that bars count help you?
No-no, it was my suggestion about what can be used as a source for a progress bar). All we need is a progress bar.
Makes sense now.
We'll be displaying the backtest date being processed in the status bar in B45.
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