Hi, I am wondering if this is potentially a bug or something that you have not implemented yet. I use a strategy where I intentionally to have multiple entries for a coin at the same time. If I manually send items to quotes window, the multiple entires per coin work just fine.
this is the strategy:
Manually using quotes and price trigger brings all signals up as intended:
Using "send to quotes" tool only brings one signal per coin to quotes and price trigger window:
I would be very grateful if you could make this fix, I do not know whether it's a bug or a missing feature, though.
this is the strategy:
Manually using quotes and price trigger brings all signals up as intended:
Using "send to quotes" tool only brings one signal per coin to quotes and price trigger window:
I would be very grateful if you could make this fix, I do not know whether it's a bug or a missing feature, though.
It's not a bug, it's a known limitation. Only one symbol per quote can be pushed automatically from the Strategy Monitor. This is because the SM can run every minute, so it would be difficult to know which of multiple existing quotes to replace with a new one. If you want to submit multiple quotes for a single symbol you can do it from the Strategy window directly.
Thank you for information :)
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