- ago
I created a strategy I would like to put in real on my IB account.
I tried with my paper account, selecting Auto-Place.
I see that all the daily limit orders to open the positions have been correctly sent on daily basis before US market opening, but the sell limit orders to close the positions seem aren't sent.

Probably WL-8 don't speak to TWS even if the paper account is correctly linked.

Where can I find some documentation about the autotrade and its settings ?

Many thanks
13 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Open the Order Manager - strike F1 for documentation.
Open Preferences > Trading - hit F1.
Also look at Extensions > Interactive Brokers section.

If IB was connected, there must have been some indication in the Order Manager about the trade(s). What did you see?

Also, don't assume that the TWS API Paper configuration is the same as TWS Live API configuration. If there's any doubt, connect in this order:
1. Start/Login TWS
2. Start WL8
3. Open the Order Manager > Select IB > Connect

You should see a successful connection.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
but the sell limit orders to close the positions seem aren't sent.
After re-reading your post, it sounds like you're trading an Daily strategy, correct?

Is the question really how to make stop and limit orders active on the same bar (day) as the entry?
- ago
Thanks so much for your help, Cone.
Well .. I'm following your steps and theoretically everything should be fine.
Unfortunately this is not true. I correctly installed the IB extension of course.

Anyway .. I try to explain what I need to do, so that you could simply tell me if it is possible with WL-8.

I backtested a daily strategy working on the following day, on the basis of some conditions. If a signal occurs, on the following day (t+1) a limit buy order has to be transmitted.

As soon as the stock is in position, no sell actions required untile the next day (t+2).
On t+2 day WL-8 would automatically transmit to my IB account a profit target and a stop loss (I verified that "Use OCO when Possible" check button is correctly flagged).

Given this trading rules, from you view if I leave 24h/day my WL-8 open is it able to manage all those entry/exit orders or have I to performe some action on daily basis ?

At the moment in my Strategy monitor I see my strategy in the "Auto-Place" status and (theoretically) it should send the buy limit orders after US market close (I set this time at 05:00pm EST (see the attached image).
Unfortunately this has never happened during the latest days.

Where am I wrong ?

Thanks again for your support and have a great day.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
if I leave 24h/day my WL-8 open is it able to manage all those entry/exit orders or have I to performe some action on daily basis ?

The problem could be that Wealth-Lab is losing the connection with TWS since TWS shuts down or optionally restarts once per day. My experience is that WL's IB Provider recovers the connection - it programmed to do that, but it's not always successful and there's no guarantee that it will recover.

What I would do:
1. Make sure you've configured TWS for restarts instead of a daily shut down. Make sure that it restarts after the market is closed, and preferably when WL8 is closed. That way, when Wealth-Lab starts (see steps), it will connect without any problems.

2. In Wealth-Lab, save your trading Workspace with the strategy activated.

Then each day...
3. Close Wealth-Lab sometime after the market session closes. (Using the programmed task - step 4 you can make Wealth-Lab shut down automatically too after any number of hours.)

4. Using Windows Task scheduler, program a task to launch WL8 with your trading Workspace. See Help (F1) > Workspace for more info.

Do it this way, you can be more sure that TWS is running, and it won't restart again after Wealth-Lab connects.
- ago
Great advices, Cone.
Thanks a lot .. I will act according to your steps .. and I will let you know about :)

Keep in touch and have a nice evening
- ago
Just a quick update, Cone:

1. even if I save my workspace with the strategy activated and on "Auto-Place" mode, as soon as I quit and open again WL-8 (with TWS already opened), the strategy is not activate, so that a manual action is required. Anyway .. it is not a big problem but it is important to know it and to take in consideration .

2. second point (much more important): I realized that if I open the WL-8 after 00.00 AM EST but before US Market opening, in the "processing Log" I see "NextRun set to 6/8/2022 at...". It means that in case I activate a strategy the same trading day, I miss the entry/exit order for that day even if I act before market opening.

Do you confirm these points, Cone ... ?
Thanks a lot and keep in touch
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
1. You're right. I was thinking of the preference that keeps a strategy Active after "Run Now" . If there's not a good reason for a Workspace not to remember the Active status, it can be changed to do so in the future.

2. It would only work that way if you were trading a 24-hour market. Make sure you select the market, e.g., U.S. Stocks, in the Strategy item's configuration so that the correct run times can be calculated.

- ago
Hello Cone,
a quick update.
Unfortunately even if I follow all the steps you suggested me, and I set the Run Time at 01:00 AM EST .. the result is that no orders has been transmitted to my IB paper account, as you can see.
Status = incomplete.

Seems very frustrating to correctly set these stuffs.
Is there somebody using the autotrade to IB, with WL-8 ?

Thanks for the support ...
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
I auto-trade with IB nearly every day. It works absolutely great.

It's very easy to check if auto-trading will work just by placing a manual order. If you're using a Paper account, just place an order. What happens?

Edit -
Now that I look at your image, what are you expecting to trade there? The strategy is not generating any signals.

What market are you trading? Post an image of the Strategy configuration (for the S. Monitor), please.
- ago
The signals are to buy on previous daily low.
I deliberately created this very easy entry rule to test if the orders are correctly submitted to the broker.
Anyway ... the only consolation at the moment is that you say it is possible to completely auto-trade WL-8.
Starting from this certainty I will perform more tests to find the right settings.

Thanks for your support, Cone !
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
The signals are to buy on previous daily low.
There are no signals. So either there's more logic that isn't triggering signals, or there's something wrong with the Strategy. One thing's for sure, if the strategy doesn't generate a signal, you can't Auto trade it.
- ago
Ok, Thanks so much Cone for your help.
For the moment I give up with IB extension ...
May be in the future I will be back.

Best regards !
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Whatever you wish. But if your strategy doesn't create signals, you'll never get a trade with any broker. Every image you showed me had 0 signals.


