- ago
This example on https://www.wealth-lab.com/Support/ExtensionApi/IndicatorLibrary has a configuration error. For an indicator library (not a common-code component library), one wants the default namespace to be WealthLab.Indicators since indicators are inheriting from IndicatorBase, which exclusively employs that namespace.
This way, when you Add a new class to the indicator library, VS will automatically configure it to the correct namespace.

In contrast, common-code components libraries (e.g. Local.Components.dll) can use their assembly name as their namespace name.
6 Replies



- ago
And the website won't let me edit/correct my original posts yet. And the website doesn't process the link in the post correctly.
 ( 11.08% )
- ago
The screen shot was just meant to show that you should make the target framework .NET Core 3.1. It’s the same screen shot used across all extension api documents. Once the load of other wish list items is conquered we can go ahead and make individual screen shots for each extension type 🤪
- ago
You should be able to edit your posts (not sure about those that start a topic, is this what you mean?) for a day since posting.

Links are processed correctly - just paste them without the LINK tag: it's inserted automatically. However, there's a minor issue with the website inserting superfluous breaking LINK tags on 2nd edit and up. In this case you'd have to edit them out.

Don't use the old style LINK=..., simply paste the link without the text.
- ago
You should be able to edit your posts
I can successfully edit all the Replies, but not the original post. There's no [Edit] button showing on the right bottom corner of any original posts I make.

So without using the Link tag, how can I insert alternative text for display instead of showing the actual URL?
- ago
Why bother about the alternative text? Let's keep it simple.

Thanks for the heads-up re: bug with missing Edit button in original reply.
- ago
I will have a look at it, thanks for the finding.


