I know it was mentioned about backtesting using fundamental data. I believe I've found a good source for data and they have an API that is free for subscribers. Take a look at Portfolio123. I've been using their data for the past month and it seems pretty good for the data points I've checked. They also have a pretty innovative approach to ranking securities. It would be pretty powerful to combine their fundamental backtest with technical model.
For $84/month (if billed annually) one gets only 500 API requests a month, right?
Does it mean that using this API lets you update the fundamentals for S&P 500 once a month for $1000 a year?
Does it mean that using this API lets you update the fundamentals for S&P 500 once a month for $1000 a year?
Unfortunately no. It doesn't let you download the information. Only run backtests that returns a timeseries of securities that meet the criteria. Their data comes from factset and their license prohibits them from distributing the data.
The api requests isn't a direct 1 for 1, meaning it has more to do with processing time on their servers. Though I haven't confirmed it myself I was told that it is highly unlikely that one will ever exceed the limits.
I will keep searching to see if I can find another source. But the experimentation that I did on their serves was Very promising. It seems as though it would be extremely worth it, to figure out how to get that type of info into WL7.
The api requests isn't a direct 1 for 1, meaning it has more to do with processing time on their servers. Though I haven't confirmed it myself I was told that it is highly unlikely that one will ever exceed the limits.
I will keep searching to see if I can find another source. But the experimentation that I did on their serves was Very promising. It seems as though it would be extremely worth it, to figure out how to get that type of info into WL7.
I just finished the beta version of a new Portfolio123 extension.
See here https://wealth-lab.com/Discussion/WANTED-Beta-Tester-for-Portfolio123-extension-12272 the call for beta testers.
Portfolio123 does not allow to download fundamentals directly. It does allow to download complete (historical) rankings that include the fundamentals the ranking is based on.
And right, there are 500 API credits per month included. (with the 10yr Backtest membership)
The download of a complete 10yr ranking, rebalanced monthly costs about 80 credits. A regular monthly update will cost 2 credits.
See here https://wealth-lab.com/Discussion/WANTED-Beta-Tester-for-Portfolio123-extension-12272 the call for beta testers.
Portfolio123 does not allow to download fundamentals directly. It does allow to download complete (historical) rankings that include the fundamentals the ranking is based on.
And right, there are 500 API credits per month included. (with the 10yr Backtest membership)
The download of a complete 10yr ranking, rebalanced monthly costs about 80 credits. A regular monthly update will cost 2 credits.
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