- ago
I am setting up my backup systems before I start autotrading.
Interactive Brokers is my primary Australian ASX real time streaming provider.

I am unclear if EODHD has real time streaming for the ASX. They do have intraday data for the ASX.
Twelve Data is part of the Data Extensions Pack but does not have ASX data.

Will be trading intraday using the quotes window and order manager.

Three questions:
1. Is a backup real time data provider necessary? I suspect IB has a 99.99% uptime.
2. Can the Wealthlab order manager and quotes window even handle a real time provider outage and switch to another without issue?
3. Where can I find a real time ASX streaming provider other than IB?

1 Replies



 ( 3.57% )
- ago
1. I don't know about ASX streaming for EODHD, but I do know that they do not provide intraday backfill until after the session closes.

2. No.
You must select the broker account for trading and the streaming provider to maintain open connections. (If you lose the connection with IB, you won't have their data, but you also can't trade anyway.)

3. google?
Here's some more information about WealthLab connected providers -
All About WealthLab Intraday and Realtime Data Providers

What are your steaming requirements for ASX? Stocks? Futures?
How many simultaneous streams do you need?
What data interval do you plan to use for trading? (1-min? 5-min? 30-min? etc.)
Best Answer


