- ago
On one of my computers I have installed WL8, approx. in May. While using the optimizer for strategy developing I am facing a technical issue. Even when I want to optimze a simple RSI Indicator with approx. simple 3,000 permutations (exhaustive) I recognize the my RAM stoprage blows up to its full capacity of 32GB. The calculation duration gets longer and longer and the closer the RAM comes to its capacity the more often in wealth lab title "Wealth Lab not responding" apears. <In the end after hours I have to close or stop WL by means of the windows task manager.
I am convinced it's not a failure of WL8 but I would assume there might be some settings or other stuff missing or being wrong either in WL8 or in MS Windows which hinders me to get full access to WL8 performance.
Any idea how to fix this isue?
BR, Frank
8 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
What DataSet, Range, and Scale are you attempting to optimize?
- ago
I will respond as accurate as possible. I was using DOW30, Jan 1st 2000 to Dec. 31st 2018, 3.3 % of equity. Regarding scale I am afraid I did ot catch you. I was trying to optimize RSI % above lowest. Do you need the exact range of optimizing? WL showed 3,000 permutations on this. If any information is missing please let me know.
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
I meant is it Daily data, 5-minute, etc?
- ago
I use daily data scale, close.
- ago
What kind of strategy is this, Blocks or code-based? We need to have an insight to grasp the issue. Could be some inefficiency in its implementation.
- ago
I am using Blocks. I observed the issue independent from kind of indicator.
- ago
1. Next question, does this apply to a particular Blocks strategy? If so, have you tried recreating it from scratch?
2. I notice you're running WL7 B53. Is the issue limited to WL8 only?
- ago
1. No, the issue occured with several indicators. My oberservation was that it was more depending on the number of permutations. With the RSI Block I came in trouble with little 3,000 permutations (exhaustive). With WL7 >20,000 permutations were no problem. It took a while but it worked and at that time I had a 8GB RAM only.
2. I am using WL on two computers, Laptop and Desktop. While Using and testing with WL7 I found that the Desktop could do more calculations in shorter times. My assumpstion was it's related to the CPU cooling of the Laptop. To avoid overheating it throttles the CPU performance and hence its getting slower and slower.
When WL8 was issued I downloaded it on the Desktop for developing. With WL8 I found the Deskopt less performand than with WL7. Hence I extended the RAM from 8GB to 32GB. Well, the effect might be visible after fixing the current issue. WL7 I still use on the Laptop for getting my trading signals.
Hope this helps.


