- ago
What is the WL6: PrintStatusBar() equivalent in WL7?
I tried looking in the api docs and on this forum, but could not find it (may be missed it).

This thread was marked "Closed", so I can't reply with a new comment. So adding it here.

I have checked https://www.wealth-lab.com/Discussion/Quick-WL6-9-to-WL7-Translation-Guide-5548 but couldn't find anything equivalent.

Even in the PDF file, it shows empty.
4 Replies



- ago
For WL7 equivalents please see Post #2:
- ago
This thread was marked "Closed", so I can't reply with a new comment. So adding it here.

Yes, because this is a duplicate topic. A forum search for "equivalent" would reveal at least two dozen hits with similar pointers to the QuickRef.

Even in the PDF file, it shows empty.

Which means there is no equivalent or even a workaround. It was a seldom used cosmetic method.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
You can use the AddLogItem method from the IWLHost interface to write to the WL7 status bar. Here's an example:

using WealthLab.Backtest; using System.Threading; using WealthLab.Core; using System.Drawing; namespace WealthScript1 { public class MyStrategy : UserStrategyBase { //Initialize public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars) { } //Execute public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx) {          if (idx % 100 == 0)          {             WLHost.Instance.AddLogItem("Strategy", "Bar Number: " + idx, Color.Green);             Thread.Sleep(200);          } } } }
Best Answer
- ago
Excellent! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Glitch!

This functionality is very helpful in giving feedback on the progress of the script for a long running script!

Last night when I didn't have a way to get feedback from my script, I added logging. Here is the code to add logging to your script in case somebody finds it useful:
// Logger.cs using System; using System.IO; namespace WLHnChart.Common { public class Logger { StreamWriter streamWriter = null; public Logger(string filePath, bool append) { if (filePath == null) { filePath = string.Format("{0}\\wllog.txt", Path.GetTempPath()); } if (append) { streamWriter = File.AppendText(filePath); } else { streamWriter = File.CreateText(filePath); } streamWriter.AutoFlush = true; } public void Info(string text) { streamWriter.Write(string.Format("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, text)); } public void Infoln(string text) { streamWriter.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", DateTime.Now, text)); } public void Close() { if (streamWriter != null) { streamWriter.Close(); } } } } // Screen50d.cs using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using WealthLab.Backtest; using WLHnChart.Common; namespace WLHnChart { class Screen50d : UserStrategyBase {       Logger logger; //create indicators and other objects here, this is executed prior to the main trading loop public override void Initialize(BarHistory bars) {          logger = new Logger(@"C:\WLD\log.Screen50d.txt", false);          logger.Infoln("Initialize(): Script started");          ScreenAll(bars);       }       public override void Execute(BarHistory bars, int idx) { }       public override void BacktestBegin()       {          base.BacktestBegin();          WriteToDebugLog("BACKTEST BEGIN");       }       public override void BacktestComplete()       {          base.BacktestComplete();          WriteToDebugLog("BACKTEST COMPLETE");          logger.Close();          logger = null;       }       public void ScreenAll(BarHistory primaryBars)       {          var initialListFile = @"C:\WLD\streamer\lists\15-MyLists\Big List.txt";          var list50dFile = @"C:\WLD\streamer\lists\15-MyLists\Wl-50d.txt";          var list50dAthFile = @"C:\WLD\streamer\lists\15-MyLists\Wl-50d-ath.txt";          var list50dUpFile = @"C:\WLD\streamer\lists\15-MyLists\Wl-50d-up.txt";          var initialList = Utils.ReadSymbols(initialListFile);          logger.Infoln(string.Format("Initial Symbols Count = {0}", initialList.Count));          var list50d = new List<string>();          var list50dAth = new List<string>();          var list50dUp = new List<string>();          // Find symbols which are closer to 50d by 5%          logger.Infoln(string.Format("=====> Running Screen50dNear"));          Screen50dNear(primaryBars, initialList, list50d, 5);          Utils.WriteSymobls(list50dFile, list50d);          // Find symbols which are ATH in last 1.5M and close to 50d          logger.Infoln(string.Format("=====> Running ScreenAth"));          ScreenAth(primaryBars, list50d, list50dAth, 33);          Utils.WriteSymobls(list50dAthFile, list50dAth);          logger.Infoln(string.Format("=====> Running ScreenUp"));          ScreenUp(primaryBars, list50d, list50dUp, 50);          Utils.WriteSymobls(list50dUpFile, list50dUp);       }       public void Screen50dNear(BarHistory primaryBars, List<string> inSymbolList, List<string> outSymbolList, double cutoff) {          int minBars = 60;          int count = 0;          foreach (string symbol in inSymbolList)          {             count++;             logger.Infoln("Processing: Screen50dNear: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ");             WLHost.Instance.AddLogItem("Strategy", "Processing: Screen50dNear: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ", Color.Green);             BarHistory barHistory = GetHistory(primaryBars, symbol);             if (barHistory == null)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                continue;             }             if (barHistory.Count < minBars)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                continue;             }             IndicatorBase sma50;             sma50 = SMA.Series(barHistory.Close, 50);             var closePrice = barHistory.Close[barHistory.Count - 1];             var sma50Price = sma50[barHistory.Count - 1];             double priceAbove50dPct = 100.0 * (closePrice - sma50Price) / sma50Price;             if (priceAbove50dPct < 5)             {                outSymbolList.Add(symbol);             }          }       }       public void ScreenAth(BarHistory primaryBars, List<string> inSymbolList, List<string> outSymbolList, int lookback)       {          int minBars = 60;          int count = 0;          foreach (string symbol in inSymbolList)          {             count++;             logger.Infoln("Processing: ScreenAth: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ");             WLHost.Instance.AddLogItem("Strategy", "Processing: ScreenAth: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ", Color.Green);             BarHistory barHistory = GetHistory(primaryBars, symbol);             if (barHistory == null)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                continue;             }             if (barHistory.Count < minBars)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                continue;             }             int athDays = 251; // default - 1 year             if (barHistory.Count < athDays) {                athDays = barHistory.Count;             }             int highestBar = barHistory.Close.GetHighestBar(barHistory.Count - 1, athDays);             // Highest bar should be within lookback bars             if (highestBar >= barHistory.Count-lookback) {                outSymbolList.Add(symbol); }          }       }       public void ScreenUp(BarHistory primaryBars, List<string> inSymbolList, List<string> outSymbolList, int smaParam)       {          int minBars = 60;          int count = 0;          foreach (string symbol in inSymbolList)          {             count++;             logger.Infoln("Processing: ScreenUp: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ");             WLHost.Instance.AddLogItem("Strategy", "Processing: ScreenUp: " + count + " / " + inSymbolList.Count + " : " + symbol + " ", Color.Green);             BarHistory barHistory = GetHistory(primaryBars, symbol);             if (barHistory == null)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": No data found. Skipping...");                continue;             }             if (barHistory.Count < minBars)             {                WriteToDebugLog(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                logger.Infoln(symbol + ": Number of bars = " + barHistory.Count + ". Skipping...");                continue;             }             IndicatorBase sma = SMA.Series(barHistory.Close, smaParam);             if (sma[sma.Count-1] > sma[sma.Count-2])             {                outSymbolList.Add(symbol);             }          }       }    } }


