- ago
Hi, I was a user of WL6 with Fidelity and recently decided to move to WL8 and possibly use a different Broker.

I tried the Alpaca extension (with a paper account) but i saw the following issues:
- in a Chart window with Alpaca streaming, No Live 1 minute bars, even though it says steaming. It shows delayed bars and it does not stream
- Strategy is not working with Alpaca even in the Strategy Manager window. It tries to run, but at every minute i see that 'symbols' are not loaded.
- Manual Orders are sent to Alpaca and i can see them being executed on their website, but WL is not getting a feedback so WL thinks the order is open and doesnt realize it was executed

Are these known issues with the Alpaca integration?. Please let me know as i want to move my funds to a broker that works with WL8

Thank you
9 Replies



 ( 22.69% )
- ago
What symbols are you working with?
What time of day did you do this?

There's a lot of information about Alpaca and other integrated providers here -

If you want to evaluate Alpaca with a free account (you're only getting data for about 2% of the market volume), make sure you're doing it with active symbols during market hours.

If the data are truly delayed, then you definitely won't get updates in the Strategy Monitor, which requires up-to-date bars.
- ago
I tried it with a number of symbols including TSLA, BA, Delta, and others. i was doing it around 10 am.
I will try more with other data providers.

I still have the issue with the orders though, i think this is completely different. not sure why WL is not updating the order status with Alpaca.
 ( 22.69% )
- ago
I checked to make sure that it's working fine for me. Try this -

Start with the Order Manager, select Alpaca top left, Connect if not already connected, and check the account number (top middle).

If it all looks good, just do a Manual Order:
Buy 10 shares of something. Does it work? Order status Filled? If not, save a screenshot and post it. My example -

- ago
My 14 day trial ended, so i ended up reinstalling WL8 and getting a paid subscription. and now it magically worked. I am not sure if it was a problem with the trial version or some bug that the reinstall solved.
I will post a screenshot if i run into the problem again.

Thanks a lot for your support and thanks for the useful blog post about data providers
- ago
I spoke too soon. It happened again. I had open positions from yesterday. and when i hit 'Flatten Account' on the 'Accounts' tab, it issued multiple sell orders to exit all positions. The orders went through successfully (as you can see in the Accounts tab) and i can see on Alpaca's platform that they were executed, but WL still shows them as 'Placed'

 ( 22.69% )
- ago
"Placed" is just the default status when sending an order to broker. It seems that either there was no response or the OrderIDs were lost. Neither one seems likely.

As we do when we can't explain why something happened, we try it ourselves to see if we can duplicate it. I could not:

If you still have the same WealthLab session open, check the Log Viewer for messages.
 ( 22.69% )
- ago
I haven't forgotten about this and I've been using Alpaca for some testing in development. I was able to duplicate the Place condition with the order going active at Alpaca. We're looking into it.
- ago
Thank you.
I checked the log, nothing suspicious there.
I will also post more details if i m able to know exactly the sequence of events that leads to that


