- ago
There has been several new Builds since the last video that described new build features. I have no idea what these features are from the minimal descriptions listed. Can you produce a new video outlining these features and how to use them.
4 Replies



 ( 5.60% )
- ago
Hey pestocat, are you having trouble finding the documentation for the new features? Which one(s) in particular do you need help with? I can guide you to the documentation we produced and/or answer any questions here.

Regarding the videos, the team has decided to stop doing highlight videos in the format that we've been doing. Instead, vk will head up some new videos that will each focus on a specific feature. He's currently away on vacation, and Cone has also been very busy with some personal matters, but these have recently cleared up. So, we should be back to producing some new (and hopefully better) videos really soon! Glad you like them!
- ago
Symbol Equity, Price Grid, Event Provider... I have idea what these are. Maybe just an example would be good.
 ( 5.60% )
- ago
Symbol Equity - it's simply a visual representation of the profit/loss that each symbol's trades generated during the backtest.

Event Provider - this is a feature that's been around since Build 1. Event Providers are used to deliver things like fundamental data, or other "events" that occur sporadically on a chart, like Candlestick and Price Patterns. They're documented in Help, Data Manager, Event Provider Tab.

PriceGrid - there will be more tools released for this in the upcoming Chart Patterns extension, but it's fully documemented in the QuickRef, including a full example code you can open by pressing the "Open Example Code" button.

- ago
+1 for Videos!

A picture is worth a thousand words.
A video is worth a thousand pictures.

Documentation is fine, but there is nothing like a video demo. Videos are a great way to learn explore existing features and new features.

Please make lot of these videos!!!


