- ago
Is this something I can do with Building Blocks, or must I use C#?
I'm in a gapped down stock and want to sell after whichever of these conditions comes first:
The stock fills the gap on the same day it was bought
The stock fills the gap on day 2-4
The stock has been held for four days and should be sold at the close of the fourth day
e.g. The stock gaps down from Friday, and is bought on Monday. I give it until Friday to sell by filling the gap from the previous Friday. If it doesn't sell on its own by Friday's close, I sell it at the close.

I have this:

I thought the OR Divider would work, but I cannot get it in there.

2 Replies



- ago
Since these distinct Exit conditions are already ORed (by design), an OR divider is unnecessary and inapplicable. Is the real issue that you cannot exit the stock on the same bar? Otherwise, what is?
 ( 24.02% )
- ago
I give it until Friday to sell by filling the gap from the previous Friday. If it doesn't sell on its own by Friday's close, I sell it at the close.
I don't see a way to create this rule precisely using blocks. For now, the closest you can come is to use the PowerPack Condition "Price "Compare to Entry Bar" and attach it to a Sell At Market.

That said, I'll also mention that same-bar exits have limitations in a backtest after limit/stop entries. In general, the limitation is that the close of the bar needs to be at a level that would have triggered the exit. Other specific trade sequences (like a Buy on Stop and then a higher Sell at Limit order) would also work in a backtest.

In live trade, however, the limitation doesn't exist. Once the entry fills, the same-bar order(s) are transmitted and then its up to the market to fill or not.


