- ago
1. In the Signals Window, a Filter by Strategy view to show signals for specific strategy via drop down or similar. Show/Hide NSF would be useful in this view as well. You could add working in the Signals Window by Strategy to your process flow. This would also reduce clutter and allow you to focus on the strategy you care about at the moment along with limiting mistakes.
5 Replies



- ago
2. In the Signals window, a Show/hide NSF filter view or Move NSF tag to its own isNSF? column so you can sort by this column. There are times that you want to see NSFs and times you don't. Being able to show/hide in the signals window or sort them out of the way in MetaStrategy, Stategy Window, etc. would reduce the clutter.
- ago
Consider #1 implemented. You can already sort by MetaStrategy column to focus on particular MS child. Filtering by child Strategy seems like featuritis. It can simply be accomplished by opening the Strategy in its own S.window without the added bloat of dropdown boxes on the MS Signals tab. 🤷‍♂️
- ago
As for #2, this could be accomplished by moving the NSF icon out to its own column if @Glitch agrees to it.

Hiding NSF is not and should not be an option in MetaStrategies as they retain NSFs unconditionally by design.
- ago
Being able to sort NSFs out of the way would work just as well for me.

The filtering by strategy would speed things up a bit but not strictly necessary especially if I can move "NSFs to the bottom".
 ( 4.95% )
- ago
If there’s enough support (votes) for adding a check box to filter out (hide) NSF Signals I’m not opposed to it.


