 ( 11.21% )
- ago
Hey Marcelo,

We noticed your Published Strategy contains a Qualifier of (Number of Bars ago, and set to -1.) This is causing it to peek one bar ahead into the future. We have to patch this to prevent this kind of input in the Web Builder, and so we had to revert your Strategy back to Private status.
2 Replies



- ago
Hi Glitch, Thank you for your warning and providences. I'm a novel one in this environment. I have little skils with computers being a humble operator. Introduccing in these issues of bots I arrived in WealthLab looking at a brazilian trade youtuber, Stormer, video and fixing my eyes in his browser underbar, where there was your software open. I went to the web and searched for your site. Realized that there are an interview in the Turtles site and it liked me. I have an Ameritrade account and will do a probe next week trying my setups to automate my trades.
About my Swing Trade bot, thank you for observing what I gessed but, due to my poor skills, didn't understand the system, it apears to be a undesireble "window to the future", which surely did the dreamed performance of all traders... I will try WealthLab and fix my doubts. Surely I will be well granted with your services. The rest, it will be my job catch up with good setups. Best Regards.
 ( 11.21% )
- ago
Glad to help, we will patch this to avoid future mishaps of the same nature, and thanks for contributing to the Published Strategies with your Trend Follower!
Best Answer


