- ago
Good morning!

I recently subscribed and love WL deep and fast backtesting platform. Awesome!!

This week I am testing how WL executes strategies with IB.

The position sizing worked well according to the 10% I have stated in the settings. But the strategy executed 20 trades with 10% allocation each despite the fact that the margin factor was set to 1 in the strategy settings.

I watched the autotrade videos on the WL YT channel and read the contextual help files. But so far I could not find my mistake.

What am I missing?

Thank you for your support!

4 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
In general, WL always gives you all the signals unless you do something in your strategy or settings to limit them.

In the image above, with the the last Position Sizing setting you can limit the Max Entry Signals to 10, ordered in priority by highest Transaction.Weight.

Even with this setting, however, if you already hold 5 positions, you can still get 10 signals. Soon we'll be working on a block that takes into account the number of broker account positions, Position Sizing and/or the Max Entry Signals setting, to limit the number of signals so that only the highest weight signals are placed with the broker and you don't over-buy your account.
Best Answer
- ago
Thank you for this fast reply. Very much appreciated.

That will be very powerful to get such a feature implemented. Awesome!

Looking forward to test it.
- ago
Just to confirm.

WL8 shows all possible positions while WL6.9 used to tell you you did not do x trades because of a lack of capital.

So now if I am on a chart there can be "phantom" trades where WL8 shows a signal ocurred but if there are no arrows then it means the trade was not done.

Am I right?

Thank you.

 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Soon we'll be working on a block that takes into account ...

The way this actually is shaping up for Build 82, a block isn't required. It will work in the Strategy Monitor when "Use Live Positions" is enabled. At the end of bar, it will limit the At Market Entry signals to not exceed enabled Thresholds (open Positions, Cash, and/or Buying Power).
- Market Sell orders increase the entries allowed.
- Max Entry Signals are not required unless you want that extra filter, which is the first step before the new logic.

WL8 shows all possible positions while WL6.9 used to tell you you did not do x trades because of a lack of capital.

In WL8 "phantom trades" are call "NSF Positions". We have at least 2 videos explaining them on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@wealthlab

Here's one:

This one touches on it too:

So now if I am on a chart there can be "phantom" trades where WL8 shows a signal ocurred but if there are no arrows then it means the trade was not done.
You're talking about the exit signals for NSF Postions with "N" in front of them. It means that the Strategy could have created the trade, but there was "Not Sufficient Funds" to add the trade to the backtest. However, it's possible that you own the position in a live account if you were trading it. That's why we give you the signal.


