- ago

Maybe it's already asked before but couldn't find it on the forum or in support.
A broker / asset manager is interested in the algorithm used by me for my AM clients which is build in WL. They're interested in the system as a part of the portfolios they manage. They've seen the results made on live accounts I manage during the past year and have the trades and results before that time of the live accounts before they took an active interest in it.
Now after a year of following it all they want give it a go but before that they want to peak behind the screen a bit without being able to see the code.

So my question: Is it possible to give someone read only access? And if so with blocking code and building blocks of the systems i've made in WL?

Thanks for the reply.
4 Replies



 ( 6.47% )
- ago
You can compile your strategy into a C# library using Visual Studio. Then give them your DLL.
- ago

It's not possible to add a user with limited access nor hide the Building Blocks. What can be done is:

1. open the code in a new C# window
2. build a strategy library out of it using Visual Studio (e.g. its free Community edition)
3. obfuscate it using one of the available tools
4. give the user the DLL

This way the user could launch your system in WL8 on their own PC/cloud, run backtests and get signals. The key point is in step 3 which ensures your trading algo gets robust protection against reverse engineering.

For further IP protection, certain restrictions can be added to the code like "don't run the code past some date" or "don't produce signals" (in step #2; custom logic) or during step #3 (some paid obfuscators also have flexible licensing modules).
Best Answer
- ago
Thank you all for the great reply.
Will try it that way.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
Keep us posted, and email if you need further assistance. It's great to hear WL might be used in some kind of hedge fund/asset management environment!


