- ago
Hello and congratulations for the flexibility and versatility of your program.

I have a very easy question, please:
Is it possible to create an indicator based on the historical equity line ? Example: I would like to condition an entry signal to the goodness (until the day before the potential signal) of the underlying equity line on a given stock of my portfolio (S&P500 i.e.)

Otherwise, would it be possible to export the daily data of every single equity line component a portfolio ? (in this case, I could proceed by my self to activate/deactivate an equity line day by day on the basis of some parameters).

Thanks for your attention and have my best regards
4 Replies



- ago
Hi Corrado,

Appreciate that you like the product. I wonder what's the incentive for basing one's trading decisions on the individual stock's equity curve?

As for accessing the portfolio's combined equity curve in your Strategy code, it can be accomplished with the CurrentEquity property. For example, here's how you can size a trade as 2% of the portfolio's equity in C# code even if selected position sizing is different:

var customPct = CurrentEquity * 0.02 / bars.Close[idx]; PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market).Quantity = customPct;
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks Eugene for your fast and professional feedback.
Because I'm not a programmers, my question if where I have to copy/past that code; otherwise is it possible to get the same result without coding ?

Thanks again and keep in touch
- ago
Corrado, to add a line like this you'd have to "Open as C# coded strategy" and adjust entries accordingly. It should be pretty simple.

A zero code solution for "Portfolio Equity Curve" Block is currently not possible but you're welcome to create a new topic, mark it with #FeatureRequest tag and vote for it from this page: https://www.wealth-lab.com/wishlist
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Is it possible to create an indicator based on the historical equity line ?
It's only possible to create/fill an "Equity Curve" indicator with values during the Backtest. So in the traditional sense of a technical indicator, it's not possible. However, you could save an Equity series to analyze anew on each bar in a C#-coded strategy.


