- ago
Good afternoon!

I noticed that when writing an indicator, compilation errors are not visible. Moreover, it is not even clear whether the compilation was successful. This can only be calculated from the compile time message.

Thus, when editing code, you have to wait at least a minute since the last compilation to understand whether there are compilation errors in the code.

Also, hints on built-in types and functions in the indicator editor do not work.

It would be great if programming an indicator would be as convenient as programming a strategy.
11 Replies



- ago
Denis, everything (IntelliSense etc.) is made easier when developing indicators in a full-fledged IDE i.e. Visual Studio.

However, I don't understand the passage on why it should take a minute (?) and why compilation errors may occur when compilation is successful.
- ago
It would be great if programming an indicator would be as convenient as programming a strategy.

As a general practice, I typically first debug my local library code (and that includes indicators) as a private method in the strategy first. Once I get that running, then I move it into Visual Studio. It's simply easier and faster to make changes to the code if it's a method in the strategy.

However, once it's in Visual Studio, it stays there. The symbolic debugger VS has is the most powerful symbolic debugger I've ever used. But making changes in the VS code library requires more steps.
- ago
Eugene, hello!

Let's say I wrote some indicator code. I click the "Compile" button, at the bottom it says "Compiled successfully, 10:09". If I make a certain change within 1 minute and press the “Compile” button again, I cannot understand whether the code compiled successfully, since the inscription is still “Compiled successfully, 10:09”. Only if I wait until 10:10 am will I be able to tell if the code compiled successfully. If successful, then the message “Compiled successfully, 10:10” will appear, if not successful, then the same message “Compiled successfully, 10:09” will remain.

I don't understand why use VS if I'm completely happy with the built-in editor. At least the strategy editor. I don't understand why the indicator editor doesn't have the same capabilities. If you don’t want to improve the built-in editor, maybe it’s better to cut it out altogether?
 ( 4.98% )
- ago
I cannot understand whether the code compiled successfully, since the inscription is still “Compiled successfully, 10:09”.
It's easy to understand. If it didn't compile successfully, then you'd see an error.
Anyway, we're all for improving, and we can add seconds to that time.

Edit -
Are you using Build 49? It's showing seconds for me.
- ago
Presumably topic starter's region settings are set up in a way to drop the seconds part, he may have to check how to reconfigure this in Windows.
- ago
Good afternoon!

I'm sorry. This seems to be a bug related to specific types of errors. Here is an example code that causes the above behavior:

The line that causes problems is at the very end of the code.

using WealthLab.Core; using System; using System.Drawing; using WealthLab.Indicators; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; namespace WealthLab.MyIndicators {    public class MyFundamental : IndicatorBase    {       //parameterless constructor       public MyFundamental() : base()       {       }       //for code based construction       public MyFundamental(BarHistory source, string fileName, string reportName, string parameterName)          : base()       {          Parameters[0].Value = source;          Parameters[1].Value = fileName;          Parameters[2].Value = reportName;          Parameters[3].Value = parameterName;          Populate();                           }       //static Series method       public static MyFundamental Series(BarHistory source, string fileName,string reportName, string parameterName)       {          return new MyFundamental(source,fileName,reportName,parameterName);       }       //name       public override string Name       {          get          {             return "MyFundamental";          }       }       //abbreviation       public override string Abbreviation       {          get          {             return "MyFundamental";          }       }       //description       public override string HelpDescription       {          get          {             return "";          }       }       //price pane       public override string PaneTag       {          get          {             return "MyPaneMyFundamental";          }       }       //default color       public override WLColor DefaultColor       {          get          {             return WLColor.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0);          }       }       //default plot style       public override PlotStyle DefaultPlotStyle       {          get          {             return PlotStyle.Line;          }       }       //populate       public override void Populate()       {          List<DateTime> times = new List<DateTime>();          List<double> values = new List<double>();          string fileName =Parameters[1].AsString;          var myJsonString = File.ReadAllText(fileName);          dynamic myJObject = JObject.Parse(myJsonString);          //string str = "";                              JObject fff = JObject.Parse(myJObject.Financials[Parameters[2].AsString].quarterly.ToString());          foreach (var prop in fff.Properties())          {             //str += prop.Name;             DateTime parsedDate;             string pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd";             DateTime.TryParseExact(prop.Name, pattern, null, DateTimeStyles.None, out parsedDate);             times.Add(parsedDate);             foreach (var g in prop.Children())             {                //str += " " + ((JObject)g).GetValue("totalAssets") + "\n";                values.Add(Convert.ToDouble(((JObject)g).GetValue(Parameters[3].AsString)));             }          }          BarHistory source = Parameters[0].AsBarHistory;                    DateTimes = source.Close.DateTimes;          //modify the code below to implement your own indicator calculation          for (int n = 0; n < source.Close.Count; n++)          {             if (n > 0)             {                Values[n] = Values[n - 1];             }             int index =найтиБлижайшуюДатуВИстории(times,new DateTime(source.DateTimes[n].Year,source.DateTimes[n].Month,source.DateTimes[n].Day));             if (index !=-1)             {                Values[n] = values[index];                //Values[n] = 10000;             }             //Values[n] = DateTimes[n].Hour +DateTimes[n].Minute;          }                      }       int найтиБлижайшуюДатуВИстории(List<DateTime> times, DateTime time)       {          for (int i = 0; i <times.Count; i++)          {             if (times[i] <= time)             {                return i;                         }          }                    return -1;              }       //generate parameters       protected override void GenerateParameters()       {          AddParameter("Source", ParameterType.BarHistory, null);          AddParameter("Имя файла", ParameterType.String, "GAZP.json");                              //AddParameter("Имя отчёта", ParameterType.String, "Balance_Sheet"); //Compiles successfully                   AddParameter("Имя отчёта", ParameterType.String, ""); //Problem string                              AddParameter("Имя показателя", ParameterType.String, "totalAssets");       }    } }
- ago
Eugene, please show me exactly what setting needs to be changed in order for the seconds to be shown?

I tried setting the short time format to the same as the full time format, it didn't help.

- ago
AddParameter("Имя отчёта", ParameterType.String, ""); //Problem string

Well, as you already figured out a default string value should be specified.

I tried setting the short time format to the same as the full time format, it didn't help.

Nice try but I was just throwing ideas at the wall.
 ( 4.98% )
- ago
The Control Panel settings do not matter. The code is programmed to always display seconds.

What version of WealthLab are you using?
- ago
Cone, I'm using build 49.

 ( 4.98% )
- ago
Update - but it doesn't display seconds for the Indicator Builder.
We'll change it to always display seconds there too.
Best Answer


