- ago
While trouble shooting a seperate issue I noticed an Index out of Range exception firing when a backtest is started imediately after editing a strategy block value via key press event.

The exception does not occur if eiditing the value using the up/down toggles.

When the Exception occurs the optimized paramaters for the edited block also disapear from the settings Tab.

10 Replies



- ago
Tried hitting the up/down keys but cannot reproduce in B34 (although we did not do anything in between). No error in the log, the parameter block is sticky (won't disappear).
- ago
Neither I get the exception on starting a backtest imediately after editing a strategy block value via key press event.
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
I can't duplicate it either by "edit the above Value with click and type. Then start a backtest."

Maybe it has something else to do with the Strategy. Please save it, right click > Export, and send to support@wealth-lab.com
- ago
I have a similar feeling as @Cone has: the exception may be caused by exposing optimizer parameters.
- ago
My appologies for the confusion, I was referring only to editing the value not using up/down arrow keys.

The exception only occurs if you use keys to enter/edit the value. (ie change the value by typing a new value)

Toggles Up/Down do not produce the exception.

I'll export the strategy and send it through to support.

Note: The issue is not limited the the sell block. it occurs on the buy blocks also.
- ago
I frequently use the keyboard, moving between input fields with Tab key. Imported your strategy and tried entering numbers in the various fields by typing, also using Tab and up/down keys. Worked just fine here.
 ( 3.90% )
- ago
I wasn't able to duplicate it with the Imported Strategy either, but I did see something odd that I quickly captured.

I didn't copy that text, so I don't know how it appeared there. I might have hit Ctrl+Z or some other combination. I couldn't make it happen again, and if you type text in the control, it won't be validated and will just be replaced by the previous number anyway.
- ago
Cone, I see text like that frequently when editing values. It does not apear every time but does seem to occur more on unsaved strategies and it always seems relevant to the variable/block.
- ago
I believe it's caused by dragging a Condition block onto the Value field.
- ago
I haven't encountered this issue for several builds now. Whatever the issue was it seems to have been resolved.
Best Answer


