- ago
I subscribed to IQFeed today and started downloading 1 minute bars for S&P 500 symbols. At first, everything seemed to be working fine. Then, I started getting several errors.

- Software abort; the IQFeed application that runs in the background closes.

- History request 10 second wait. This may be IQFeed throttling.

- Error Reading IQFundamentals.csv

- Object reference not set to instance of object

I've uninstalled & reinstalled the IQFeed software. My next step is to delete all datasets, uninstall the extension, and start over with data collection.

Has anyone else run into this issue? If so, do you have any idea how to solve this?
4 Replies



 ( 6.74% )
- ago
Don't do any of that. Just restart and try again. I never have any of these issues (sorry that you did). Assuming you're using all the latest builds, we'll have to take another look at locking up that fundamental file.

Disable the parallel download. For a large initial download, that won't make it go faster anyway.
- ago
I'm on it. Thank you.
- ago
we'll have to take another look at locking up that fundamental file.

This is a common occurrence on my system too. And it happens for both WL6 and WL8, and it's not a new problem.

It's most common when the OS is under load, especially when Windows Defender is using the disk like crazy. If you disable Windows Defender, this will help. But Windows re-enables it again.

If you have two threads sharing fundamental information, do so with a thread safe datatype object, not a *.csv file.

I haven't seen the other IQFeed problems, but I only use Daily bars for static updates, not 1-minute bars.
- ago
I restarted my system, but the problem continued. It does seem like this issue happened when my system ran out of memory. I have 32 gb of ram which is often consumed when I select a dataset with many symbols and change the scale to 1 minute.

I ended up starting over. Deleted IQFeed from app data. Then I created 5 datasets with 100 symbols (aprox) each instead of one with 500. Everything seems to be running smoothly, and I'm almost done collecting all history.

On a side note; IQFeed is so much faster than TradeStation for historical data collection. It took me nearly 3 days to collect 100 symbols using TradeStation. IQFeed can collect 100 symbols of 1-minute data in under an hour. Still not blazing fast but workable.
Best Answer


