- ago
I have updated Wealth-Lab and the ibkr extension to the latest version, but I still encountered problems with accessing data recently.

The specific phenomenon is: after clicking on "Update Data" in the Data Manager, the response is very slow, and it takes a long time to update a row, and the displayed date is not the latest either, new data cannot be obtained.

When I manually retrieve data for a single stock, the displayed time is also not the latest.

In the log viewer, everything is normal, but it does not show the time difference as before. My computer, ibkr, is confirmed to be set in the same time zone.

I have also tried changing the socket port, but it did not solve the problem. This is the setting of my ibkr, and I have checked that they should all be correct.

My guess is maybe that the connection between Wealth-Lab and ibkr is not smooth. Because when I click on the Stream button in Quote and Price Trigger, or when I open the Account Tools to get a refresh, the Wealth-Lab software will freeze and I have to wait a long time before it responds.

Please advise if there is any issue with my configuration, and thanks in advance.🙏
11 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
It's true, IB is terribly slow to load data. IB isn't a "data provider", it's a broker whose goal is to only give you the data you need to trade. If you want a lot of [intraday] history, you'll have to wait sometimes literally hours to get that data (if hasn't alrady been downloaded). Read about it in the Help (F1) > Interactive Brokers and this blog: All About WealthLab Intraday and Realtime Data Providers

If you need a lot of data (especially intraday), get IQFeed.

If you choose to rely on IB, don't overload the interface with requests, which is what a Data Manager update will do. IB will service only 1 request at a time, and, each symbol request is broken into batches of individual requests per API requirements. Very quickly, IB starts "throttling" and won't return more than 1 request every 6 seconds.

My advice is do not use the Data Manager to update IB data. Request one chart at a time when you need it, wait for it to load, then go to the next.
- ago
Hi Cone,

I understand, I don't expect ibkr download massive intraday data. The data I need can be updated normally every day before, but a problem suddenly occurred a few days ago. Now it's not that the acquisition speed is slow, but that there is no response.

In my memory, every time I opened Wealth-Lab before, a successful link and a time difference of 0.4 s would be displayed in the log, but it has not been displayed in the past two days.

I don't know if there is anything wrong with this.
- ago
In the Data Provider, it will display returning null, but there is no error information in the log.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Then you're not connected.

If you're connecting to IB across a network, you need to install the latest IB Provider.
See the Help or Change Log for instructions.
- ago
My Wealth-Lab and ibkr are on the same computer.

I would like to ask where is the information related to ibkr provider?

I only find the hint on the extension plugin page that I need to change the time to utc mode.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Help (F1) > Extensions > Interactive Brokers

Are there any clues in the Log Viewer for IB?
- ago
When I try to connect using Order Manager, I get this error.

I'm a little doubtful if it's because of the problem with ibkr tws version, I tried that there are problems with 10.32 and 10.30 on the official website now, and I'm trying to contact customer service to get a historical version test.
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
You must be running in a non-standard Windows environment (if it's what I think is happening).
Check the TWS/IBG non-local option in WL's IB Configuration.
- ago
I tried check this setting, and the result was still the same. It showed connect failed or the software was just freeze and did not respond.

This is indeed a new computer. I installed the win11 professional version downloaded from the official website. Theoretically, there is no problem.

Maybe I will try to reinstall the system again at the weekend.
- ago
I just want to chime in and share my experiences from TWS, as I've had similar problems:

I had problems streaming data from IBKR with TWS version 10.30. Changing back to 10.23 helped.

I don't know how TWS version numbers go, as I had the "latest" setting enabled and I had version 10.23. But when I changed to "stable" it changed the version to 10.30 (this change can be done from TWS settings)
 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Any TWS version starting with 10.23 should work. I've got 10.26 on one machine and 10.32 on another without problems. The API client is installed with WL's IB Provider and that's the "glue" that matters.


