 ( 4.76% )
- ago
For some tests and trading, you may want to filter market data so that it includes times outside of the regular session.

For example, the fastest way to place a limit or stop order using an estimate of the opening price is to use the close of the last premarket bar as an estimate of session's opening price as a basis to create your order in a streaming chart or Strategy Monitor.

Here's how to set that up in WealthLab, in pictures.

1. Create a copy of the U.S. Market and give it a name, like "US 0929" - this assumes we'll be trading with 1-minute bars, so we'll set 09:29 for the open.

2. On the Symbols tab, click + New Symbol (or copy one) and assign the symbol that you want to trade to that market -

That's it! Now, when you load a 1-minute chart, the last premarket bar (timestamp will be 09:30 in WealthLab) will be the first intraday bar.

By the way, you could do the same thing by eliminating the market filter entirely and using more code with time filtering to determine the opening bar.
1 Replies



- ago
Many thanks.


