- ago
How do you use NeuralabNeuroLab?

There are many applications of this tool. So far I use it to create a momentum indicator (Output=ROC) using volume indicators such as MFI and smoothers, volatility indicators and oscillators.

There can be other applications. Is it possible to predict next bar Lowest and to use it on a price pane? How do you use NeuralabNeuroLab?
2 Replies



 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Is it possible to predict next bar Lowest
No. You cannot predict the future. If you happen to do it, it's only by chance.

How do you use NeuroLab?
That's too much of a loaded question. See User Guide > NeuroLab. There's a lot of documentation there. Feel free to ask a specific question, but just know that it's not an easy road ahead. Designing a NN is a lot of trial and error until you find something that works.
- ago
Is it possible to predict next bar...

Here is a general outline:

Neurolab is using Neural Networks which in turn are just one example of Machine Learning Algorithms.

Machine Learning is designed to "Learn by Example". In the context of trading strategies this works as follows:

You select some promising indicators. (Probably found with the help of Indicator Profiler)
Then you select a certain trade profit like "Profit percentage during the next three days"

With these inputs (some indicators and your profit series) you "train" the machine learning algorithm. It will find the best "formula" to combine the input indicator values. And this "formula" will give you a prediction of "profit percentage for the next three days".

WL expresses this "predicted probability" as a special Indicator "NNPredictor", so it is easy to use it in a trading strategy even with Building Blocks.

Such a strategy is very simple in this case:

Enter a trade if the NNPredictor is above 0.5, hold for three days.

As I said, a Neural net is just one example of a machine learning algorithm, there are more to come...
Best Answer


