- ago
Maybe you're tired of me. But I am a irritated with having to figure out the strange things this app is doing. Opening up after another crash I carefully note that on the daily chart the dates are set to all data starting with the beginning date of the stocks but then when I set the chart for a 5 minute chart the app in its infinite wisdom decides the start date will be two days ago!! Why I don't know. But I you don't notice it immediately this can cause confusion Seems to me the default should be all data.

10 Replies



- ago
Then when I do a new chart for one minute, the same thing happens. Starts out with all data but then goes to one day ago. So I have to manually change it. Very irritating and time consuming. Should not be. M
- ago
Will add also that is after it took forever to make the 1 minute chart as it needed to go through all that time I guess. But then yes of course it had to do the same thing again. So it's taking about 8 minutes to make a simple one minute chart waiting on the app to function,
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
Hi drjay, so it sounds like there are two issues here.

First, the confusion about how WL8 determines how much data to load in a chart. It's specific in the Preferences, Data tab, as shown here in the image.

Second, if you're experiencing such a lengthy amount of time to load data, it sounds like you might be hitting a provider like AlphaVantage that has throttling built in, or perhaps a provider that needs to obtain ALL DATA in a series of multiple requests. What provider do you see at the bottom of the chart after the data loads?

Loading all data for a one minute chart might take a very long time, for the first request of a symbol, depending on the provider. For subsequent requests though, WL8 saves the historical data locally so you shouldn't experience that. This delay is the reason we introduced the ability to control how much data to load in Preferences.

Hope this helps!

Best Answer
- ago
Hmmm. Well that is also interested. I put in all data. It took a long time to process. I see it only went a short bit and checked the dates. It is set to all dat but the actual dates show 2/11/2010 ro 5/28/2010. Hmmmm, So now I have to manually enter actual dates on two charts,
- ago
Hmmm. So the default was set at 500 bars of data instead of all data. So you have to know this otherwise you are in the dark. Again it would see, the default should be all data not a random short number,
 ( 14.34% )
- ago
If the default was all data it would be worse. Because some of the intraday providers can take a VERY LONG time to deliver all one minute data. We felt a better approach was to limit the default to avoid that outcome.
- ago
Thanks for that though I think that will be helpful. Had no idea that was there.
- ago
Also I am using IQ Feed which is a very efficient data provider.
- ago
Though right now downloading a one minute chart over 3 years is taking a long time. A few minutes ago took a few seconds. Not sure why difference.


