It's a few days ago I installed Finatnic Optimizer B2, Scorecard B1 and PowerGenes B1. Using the Finantic Optimizer I have to realize that the Paramter Importance - Tab does not appear. Screenshot attached
On C-drive in a TEMP-folder a ParameterImportance.csv-file is being saved, screenshot attached.
WL8 repair I have run already. In the LogViewer two Finantec error messages appear, don't no if they a refer to my issue. Screenshots attached.
Any support is being apprechiated.

On C-drive in a TEMP-folder a ParameterImportance.csv-file is being saved, screenshot attached.
WL8 repair I have run already. In the LogViewer two Finantec error messages appear, don't no if they a refer to my issue. Screenshots attached.
Any support is being apprechiated.
We’ll need a rebuild due to some changes in WL8, I’ll let DrKoch know!
Hi Glitch, I kindly ask if there is a non-binding estimate available from when a solution can be expected? I would be helpful for my own planning and I would appreciate if I can use the extensions as well.
Build 3 of finantic.Optimizer is implemented and tested.
It is in the process of being published.
It is in the process of being published.
Hopefully you fixed the problem with the optimizer writing to C:\TEMP\ when it should be writing to the TEMP path instead. See
I think the ScoreCard extension also has (had?) this problem.
I think the ScoreCard extension also has (had?) this problem.
Hopefully you fixed the problem
I did a clean install of WL and all extensions (everything in the latest version) on a new PC. I now have also the issue that I do not get the "parameter importance" tab, associated with the same error message (the system cannot find the file). Creating the "C:\TEMP" folder and the "ParameterImportance.csv" did not solve the problem.
Strangely enough, deleting the "temp" folder leads to a very significant increase in optimization time (yet, still no parameter importance tab).
Strangely enough, deleting the "temp" folder leads to a very significant increase in optimization time (yet, still no parameter importance tab).
Update: I managed to solve the problem. But I don't know how.
The last thing I did was to run installation file for the optimizers again (same version; 3). Still weird, but the problem is solved for me.
The last thing I did was to run installation file for the optimizers again (same version; 3). Still weird, but the problem is solved for me.
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