- ago
However, I am still getting random disconnects from the broker and then streaming (charts and strategy) is unable to get updated history. Once this happens, the only recourse is to restart WL. Then it starts working again.

I've noticed that without restarting WL, other brokers will still stream if you manually change the selected broker streaming source. But you cannot reconnect to the original source that failed without a restart. I'm wondering if WL can monitor the broker streaming connection (called "heartbeat"?) and force a reconnect to selected streaming broker when it stops working.


Now there is still a "fail to reconnect" issue with Tradier and with other streaming brokers, such as IB and TDA (which I have witnessed previously), and possibly Alpaca. This is also a software issue, as the network has been eliminated as the root cause of the remaining issue.

I agree with you that this is a new topic, now unrelated to the title. I posted here to bring some closer to the speculation about what was going on and share my perspective of what we learned. All of these issues arose because I started using streaming data, so maybe the topic could be changed to something like "Slow Startup and Disconnects Using Streaming Data. Or create a new topic like, "WL Fails to Reconnect after Disconnecting with Broker."

Thanks for picking that up and pointing it out.
7 Replies



 ( 6.47% )
- ago
We already have disconnect/reconnect logic in place, is it only the Medved streaming that is exhibiting this issue for you?
- ago
No, I am not using MT extension anymore (trial expired). I am using Tradier for streaming.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
OK let me look in to Tradier disconnect/reconnect. It's never happened for me, and I use it frequently, so let me see if I can mock up a disconnect.
- ago
I'm running 1-min streaming charts (4) + 1-min streaming strategy in SM (4 symbols). Doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing, though. Something random just happens to apparently cause a momentary break in the streaming connection, from which WL doesn't recover. I'm doing some guessing here about what is actually going on. Wish I could help you recreate. I can go a whole market day without this happening.
- ago
@Glitch did you have a chance to test this? Was anything related to this added to latest Tradier extension release?
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
Yes but I've never experienced the connection break, and I can't see any changes that were done in Tradier that is shedding any light on this.
- ago
OK. I'll monitor. I was wondering if Tradier extension has the same "heartbeat" fix as Medved, or if that's not applicable.


