- ago
I sometimes have problems with saving long optimization runs.

Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Error when opening saved optimization run: "Parameter mismatch..."

Unfortunately, I can't describe the error in more detail because it sometimes occurs, sometimes not.

What do I have to do so that this saving of long optimizations works without problems?

Do I have to save two files (Building Block Strategy & Optimization Run) and follow a specific saveing order? For example: first Strategy - second Optimization. or the other way around? or does it not matter?

I have the impression that I always do it the same way and sometimes it works, sometimes parameter mismatch...

Are the saved optimization and the strategy 2 files that I need to save both?

Sorry - a litte bit confusing - i know!
4 Replies



- ago
It would be good to fix that but first we'd have to find out what's causing this type of crosstalk. Please provide a step-by-step procedure to reproduce the parameter mismatch bug. Thanks.
- ago
Today doing a simple optimization again.

1) saving the strategy
2) doing optimizing and one second after finished go to next point 3)
3) saving optimizing / close file
3a) try to open saved optimization file again
4) Error message - different this time

What am I doing wrong?

 ( 22.69% )
- ago
Doesn't happen for me. Not even using the same names for the parameters. If we can't figure it out, we might have to zoom with you to see what the difference is.

Please send that last optimization file you save to support@wealth-lab.com with a reference to Topic 9373.
- ago
Have deleted the files... sorry. I post again here if the error occurs again.


