- ago
I’m trying to create a DataSet with a txt file. Obviously I generate the DataSet in ASCII format.

When entering the parameters of the txt file format to WL7 I indicate the following:

When clicking on Next, it seems that WL7 loads the data correctly.

This allows me to finish the process successfully.
However, when opening the graph of this DataSet, WL7 indicates the following:

What can be caused by this file display error in WL7?
That same txt file, located at the same address, I can open it in a WL 6.9 DataSet without any problem.

You can see the txt file to do your tests in:

8 Replies



- ago
Thanks in advance
- ago
Perhaps you intended to use "M/dd/yyyy" or even "M/d/yyyy"?

"mm" is minutes (00-59), "MM" is month (01-12). Consequently a single digit leaves the room for 0-59 or 1-12. While your screenshot doesn't suggest whether the data contains single-digit days, months clearly are as they start from 1, not 01.

 ( 4.95% )
- ago
If your historic intraday data is not current, you'll need to increase the "Minute Day Multiple" in Preferences/Data section because that will limit the amount of data that can be loaded. Try assigning a large value like 999 and see if that helps!

I also see the ASCII provider interpreted it in a strange way, as a 4320 minute DataSet instead of daily. Can you email us a sample ASCII file so we can work with it here and get to the bottom of this? support@wealth-lab.com
- ago
Okay. I've already found the error.
It's a file with daily data (not intraday, only the close of the day) of the values that advance on the NYSE.
If you look at the first line, the first data is from December 2, 1991 (MM / dd / yyyy format). The following data is from January 2, 1992.

Data is missing between those two dates and that's why it gives an error. If the first date (02/12/1991) is eliminated and the file is allowed to start on 02/01/1992, it works correctly since the following days are consecutive.
Apparently WL 6.9 was ready to process data even if some dates were missing. It does not appear to be the case in WL7.
Maybe this could be implemented in WL7 as well to avoid loading errors when some date is missing?
I am sending the file to support@wealth-lab.com in case it is helpful.
Best Answer
- ago
Thanks, we'll look into the data once we get it.

Wonder why you're importing this data from ASCII. Wealth-Data has the data for advancing / declining / unchanged issues for NYSE from 1965, NASDAQ from 1978 and AMEX from 2002. Also there are symbols with new highs / lows in W-D. Were you able to find it in WL7 or should we make it more visible?
- ago
I import this data because when it comes to this type of indicator (Market sentiment), I've found that WL Data has many errors.
For example, the new lows in the session yesterday Monday, May 10, January on NYSE was 52 according to WSJ.

However, WL Data says that there were only 7.

From my experience, WL Data is an excellent provider for stock charts, but not for sentiment indicators.
- ago
This is rather a difference in the calculation. As you know, new lows can be 1-day, 4-week, 252-day - it depends on the period. The lookback period for your WSJ source is simply different.
- ago
Thanks Eugene.
So is there a way to get the new 52-week NYSE highs and lows on Wealth Lab data?


