Here is another point you might want to look at.

Not all tickers seem to be downloaded. These tickers are from the ticker list provided by EODHD. Some are simply missing. Please look at the numbers of symbols. The data folder has about 18K symbols but already includes Xetra and Frankfurt. So, there is the same behaviour for the other ticket lists.
Maybe you can look into it when you work on the streaming issue.
Here is another point you might want to look at.
Not all tickers seem to be downloaded. These tickers are from the ticker list provided by EODHD. Some are simply missing. Please look at the numbers of symbols. The data folder has about 18K symbols but already includes Xetra and Frankfurt. So, there is the same behaviour for the other ticket lists.
Maybe you can look into it when you work on the streaming issue.
Maybe you can look into it when you work on the streaming issue.
I'm not working on no streaming issue because, as already hinted at by me and summed up by Glitch, it looks like an EODHD limitation. Streaming timestamps were wrong and this is fixed for B2 already.
Re: historical data. It's not clear to me what symbols you're having trouble with. I can only find one symbol AAC but it works fine for me. The other symbols on your screenshot have been downloaded. Probably you ran out of daily quota trying to get 18K symbols. Remember, each stock history request costs 10 API calls @ EODHD so you cannot complete this in one day.
German symbols must be suffixed with .XETRA. Are you sure they're added like that e.g. 0B2.XETRA? Again, for me it works too. If you share what symbols aren't downloaded, of course I can take a shot at fixing that.
German symbols must be suffixed with .XETRA. Are you sure they're added like that e.g. 0B2.XETRA? Again, for me it works too. If you share what symbols aren't downloaded, of course I can take a shot at fixing that.
So please check your quota first, both AAC (aka AAC.US) and XETRA stocks work for me.
Hello Eugene.
If you looked in the post before i updated it, then sorry. I was confused with the shadow symbols. Please ignore the 2 symbols i was talking of. Finally i only want to point out that there are "only" 11468 out of 20434 symbols. I did use the extensions for the symbols and i took (copied them) the symbols from the EODHD ticker lists. I additionally looked into the data folder where not all files are available.
I don't think i ran out of quota, at least not according to my EODHD account. Usually i can download all the symbols via the EODHD tool completely for US and other ticker too. I am sure i handled the extensions correctly for Xetra and Frankfurt because most of them are downloaded and i copied them from the ticker list provided by EODHD.
In short "not all" symbols are download.
Side note for the streaming topic
It is sad to hear that what you classify as EODHD limitation can not be solved in a better way. Having datasets with more than 100 symbols is a pretty normal use case and the streaming unfortunately does not work then.
If you looked in the post before i updated it, then sorry. I was confused with the shadow symbols. Please ignore the 2 symbols i was talking of. Finally i only want to point out that there are "only" 11468 out of 20434 symbols. I did use the extensions for the symbols and i took (copied them) the symbols from the EODHD ticker lists. I additionally looked into the data folder where not all files are available.
I don't think i ran out of quota, at least not according to my EODHD account. Usually i can download all the symbols via the EODHD tool completely for US and other ticker too. I am sure i handled the extensions correctly for Xetra and Frankfurt because most of them are downloaded and i copied them from the ticker list provided by EODHD.
In short "not all" symbols are download.
Side note for the streaming topic
It is sad to hear that what you classify as EODHD limitation can not be solved in a better way. Having datasets with more than 100 symbols is a pretty normal use case and the streaming unfortunately does not work then.
It is sad to hear that what you classify as EODHD limitation can not be solved in a better way.
At the risk of repeating, this is a streaming limitation on EODHD side. We cannot do anything about it.
If you looked in the post before i updated it, then sorry. I was confused with the shadow symbols.
No, I looked at the post after you had edited it. Please revisit my reply above (Post #2) if you need more troubleshooting, at the moment I've got nothing to work with.
Coming back to the historical data.
Costs API Call
The mention that 1 request cost 1 API call (not 10). That is why i am able to download the complete ticker lists in one run and further ticker list on top, like Frankfurt, Xetra and so on.
US ticker list
Do you get 20K+ tickers in one run and do you have all data files in your folder?
How many tickers are with data in your Data-Manger?
Costs API Call
The mention that 1 request cost 1 API call (not 10). That is why i am able to download the complete ticker lists in one run and further ticker list on top, like Frankfurt, Xetra and so on.
US ticker list
Do you get 20K+ tickers in one run and do you have all data files in your folder?
How many tickers are with data in your Data-Manger?
Re: cost. OK, I must've confused this with the cost of fundamental requests. Thanks for correcting me. Anyway, it's up to our users how they calculate and manage their quota.
Re: US ticker list. I have no interest and ability in making such "tests", and this is well beyond our developer subscription's limit. Do you have a specific SYMBOL that is not downloading?
Re: US ticker list. I have no interest and ability in making such "tests", and this is well beyond our developer subscription's limit. Do you have a specific SYMBOL that is not downloading?
Eugene, what kind of test you are talking of...
1. Do you get all tickers from EODHD or not?
2. Do you have the files available or not?
3. I am not talking of one but 10K symbols
Did you ever download the ticker list from EODHD completly (via WL)?
Please do not tell me that downloading a ticker list, copy pasting it into a datsset and pressing update data is to much work for you. You should have done this already before the release, and i hope this is a misunderstanding and you did it.
1. Do you get all tickers from EODHD or not?
2. Do you have the files available or not?
3. I am not talking of one but 10K symbols
Did you ever download the ticker list from EODHD completly (via WL)?
.. beyond our developer subscription's limit ...
Please do not tell me that downloading a ticker list, copy pasting it into a datsset and pressing update data is to much work for you. You should have done this already before the release, and i hope this is a misunderstanding and you did it.
I thought you're talking about downloading the entire historical data for 20,000 U.S. symbols as the "test". Apparently you're not after this. Good.
Our data provider does not get this list of symbols from the endpoint. What's the point in me hitting it through the browser? I'm really confused.
Our data provider does not get this list of symbols from the endpoint. What's the point in me hitting it through the browser? I'm really confused.
Ok, let's take a breath. Here is what i did.
via Wealth Lab
1. I downloaded the ticker list (e.g. US tickers)
https://eodhistoricaldata.com/api/exchange-symbol-list/US?api_token=YOUR_TOKEN filtering common stocks will give you 20416 symbols (today)
2. I created a linked dataset and copy/pasted the tickers (mentioned) from the list into the dataset. Saved the dataset.
3. I used the Update Dataset button for the dataset and only got about 11458 of 20434 symbols download.
The procedure described can of course be done in the same way for non-US tickers. In the end, not all symbols are loaded.
Since EODHD was a data provider of my choice before the extension was available, I used their tools like https://eodhistoricaldata.com/financial-apis/windows-downloader-end-of-day-data/
(Side note: to download 20K tickers takes about 20 minutes and is less than 4GB. It requires a symbol list, text file, like the mentioned one in the first step)
I know that in addition to a handful of stocks that are no longer listed, you also get the complete list of symbols.
Now two points. First, I don't need this extension because I already used the ascii interface to access the data before. For that I have procedures to update my data and use it in WL. I'm just continuing this thread because I think something can be improved here after the first release. Obviously not all symbols are loaded and it is not understandable on the user side why. So far, you did not confirm that it works for you or gave a explanation that this is expected.
I think all the information is there to reproduce the process. It is up to you whether you want to deal with it or not.
Thanks for the time you spent on it so far.
via Wealth Lab
1. I downloaded the ticker list (e.g. US tickers)
https://eodhistoricaldata.com/api/exchange-symbol-list/US?api_token=YOUR_TOKEN filtering common stocks will give you 20416 symbols (today)
2. I created a linked dataset and copy/pasted the tickers (mentioned) from the list into the dataset. Saved the dataset.
3. I used the Update Dataset button for the dataset and only got about 11458 of 20434 symbols download.
The procedure described can of course be done in the same way for non-US tickers. In the end, not all symbols are loaded.
Since EODHD was a data provider of my choice before the extension was available, I used their tools like https://eodhistoricaldata.com/financial-apis/windows-downloader-end-of-day-data/
(Side note: to download 20K tickers takes about 20 minutes and is less than 4GB. It requires a symbol list, text file, like the mentioned one in the first step)
I know that in addition to a handful of stocks that are no longer listed, you also get the complete list of symbols.
Now two points. First, I don't need this extension because I already used the ascii interface to access the data before. For that I have procedures to update my data and use it in WL. I'm just continuing this thread because I think something can be improved here after the first release. Obviously not all symbols are loaded and it is not understandable on the user side why. So far, you did not confirm that it works for you or gave a explanation that this is expected.
I think all the information is there to reproduce the process. It is up to you whether you want to deal with it or not.
Thanks for the time you spent on it so far.
Thank you for your patience. It's clear to me. There could've been some error during update. I believe the provider throttles requests to honor EODHD's minute/hour rate limits but who knows. Or maybe the symbol list is pasted incorrectly into WL. Anything can happen.
I can proceed to making a fix once some EODHD user stumbles onto a symbol that consistently fails to update. Going through 8,976 symbols in hope to find one is a suboptimal troubleshooting strategy.
I can proceed to making a fix once some EODHD user stumbles onto a symbol that consistently fails to update. Going through 8,976 symbols in hope to find one is a suboptimal troubleshooting strategy.
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