- ago
- The ability to rearrange strategies in the Strategy Monitor (SM) is *sorely* needed
- The need has become more acute with the impending decommissioning of WL 6.9
- The ability to rearrange items is very basic and virtually ubiquitous in the devices we use everyday

When one adds a strategy to the SM it gets placed at the very bottom. The only way to rearrange is to delete and re-add them in the desired sequence. Besides being a chore, this becomes a monumental job when the number of strategies involved is large. Add to that strategy-specific position sizing & other settings and one is looking at a Herculean task. And when you add another strategy to the SM one would have to repeat this all over again.

In addition, as the sunset of WL 6.9 looms over the horizon I, like similarly impacted users, am working overtime to convert strategies to WL8. Some will make it to the SM - and they will go to the bottom of the list even though I/we would strongly prefer them in a different spot.

Lastly, the ability to rearrange items is virtually everywhere you look - be it rearranging songs in your playlist(s), bookmarks in your browser or text in a document. We take it for granted. It would be unthinkable, and a severe drag on productivity, not being able to do so.
Even in the SM one can rearrange columns in the bottom pane, just not the strategies in the upper pane.

I urge the developers to implement the extremely useful ability to rearrange strategies in SM that many would consider a basic functionality.
10 Replies



 ( 5.87% )
- ago
We'll mark it as a feature request and mention that:
1. the arrangement of the strategies makes no functional difference, and,
2. you can multi-sort by the column headers, which may or may not be useful to you right now.
- ago
At the very least, I like to segregate Daily from Weekly strategies. Even in that broad grouping, they're best arranged in a particular order (don't ask).

...makes no functional difference

Nor does rearranging of songs in a playlist or bookmarks in a list... yet people do it (including you, most likely).
How would you like shopping in a store where everything is arranged helter-skelter? (rhetorical comment, don't answer)
 ( 5.87% )
- ago
Bad analogy.
Daily/Weekly, sort by Scale.
- ago
I'm not great at analogies - I'll give you that.

Sorting by Scale is *not* the answer. If it were I wouldn't have created this post.
Segregating into Daily & Weekly is just for starters, there are other factors at play which can only be fulfilled by having the strategies (most of them, anyway) in a particular order, there is no sorting order that can achieve that.
- ago
To me this proposition is a characteristic example of feature creep with a lot of drama to support it. Just my $0.02.
- ago
It's about basic functionality.
Users ought to be able to rearrange the strategies whichever way they want, whenever they want.

That's my last word on this topic.

.\Signing off from this thread.
- ago
It would also be good if it were possible to make at least 2 strategy monitors, for example one for daily strategies and another for weekly strategies. So that when launching the monitor during the week, time would not be wasted on processing weekly strategies.
 ( 5.87% )
- ago
Let me know if I'm wrong, but I'm quite sure that Weekly strategies are scheduled for the end of the week. They'll load data in seconds, but they will not process anything until the scheduled run time.
- ago
Every day I launch all strategies that are in the strategy monitor using the "Run all Daily+ Now" button. At the same time, weekly strategies are also launched. Considering that I have about 100 strategies, I have to wait quite a long time for all the strategies to be processed in the strategy monitor, and weekly strategies also require time to be executed. I place orders myself and do not use automatic order placement, as I do not trust this method, in addition, all my strategies are on futures and sometimes during expirations I have to adjust prices, as Norgate Data does not have manual adjustment of futures rolling dates.
 ( 5.87% )
- ago
Sure, "Run Now" would do that, fair point.

Since you do it every day, maybe let it run on the schedule instead? I don't think duplicating the S. Monitor for scales is in the cards, but you can start a different feature request for it.

- Scratch that. Instead, make a feature request to "Run Now by Scale". That would be far easier to implement and has a chance of it. I'm imagining right clicking one of the items, and then you select "Run Now all items with [this scale]", where this scale is the one you right clicked.


