- ago
Dear Developers,

I’ve encountered a bug during the import of a dataset of quotes from a CSV file.

When importing, Wealth-Lab truncates the number of decimal places for certain tickers to just two. It appears that the program determines the precision based on the "primary" ticker in the dataset (e.g., BTCUSDT, which has two decimal places) and then applies this limit to all other tickers. However, this behavior is incorrect.

Wealth-Lab should ideally handle this process as follows:

1. When importing quotes for each ticker, the software should analyze the corresponding CSV file and determine the number of decimal places specific to that ticker.

2. Once the quotes for that ticker are imported, the process should move on to the next ticker, repeating this step for the entire dataset.

Could you please let us know the expected timeline for resolving this issue?

Additionally, I have a minor feature request related to data import. In the Data Manager, when selecting a dataset from an offline provider, the Update Dataset button is currently disabled. At present, this button is only functional for online providers. Would it be possible to enable this button for all modes, including offline providers? This enhancement would allow users to simply refresh their datasets after updating the CSV file in the corresponding folder, without needing to repeat the full import process each time.
1 Replies



 ( 3.87% )
- ago
Right click one of your ASCII-symbol charts, copy the data to clipboard and paste it anywhere. You'll see that the full precision of the data is available, and it's used in backtest prices.

Display precision is a function of "SymbolInfo". Use the Markets and Symbols tool to set up specification for symbols that are not U.S. Stocks, which is the default for all providers. By the way, at the end of setting up an ASCII DataSet, you should assign the correct Market (which has a default "Display Decimals" setting), but you can "Configure... " it later too.

Re: Additionally, I have a minor feature request
Not required and has no place for offline providers. If you run a backtest and you need the window to reload the data again, just click "# Symbols Loaded" in the lower left status bar.

For more, see WealthLab U. :
Best Answer


