- ago

My most important indicator displays in it's own Window.Forms window so I need to solve that before spending months to convert my WL6 code to WL7. Do you plan to continue supporting References to the DotNet Framework or is there another way to do custom forms windows, graphics and event handlers?

8 Replies



- ago
Windows.Forms is not well supported under Windows 10. In contrast, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) is supported on Windows 10. Is there a reason why you can't convert your pop-up windows to WPF?

It may be possible to perform both Windows.Forms and WPF in the same application (like WL7), but it would make much more sense to convert everything to WPF if you're using Windows 10.
- ago

I haven't used WPF so I need to learn it and see how to access it in WL7. My needs are limited and I have been using the Windows.Forms window in Windows 10 with WLD for a few years, so it does what it need. It also has lower overhead so it would be faster. I have the code working so if I could just copy it that would be much easier for me if WL7 supported the reference. I could get WL7 up and running faster. WL7 is a beautiful program. I'm happy to see that you got out from under Fidelity and have moved ahead so well. I'll take your advice and check WPF though.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
Your code did not come through. Can you describe what your indicator does and why it needs to be in its own window? Let’s see if we can figure out the best way to accomplish what you need in WL7.
- ago
Thank you. We used to talk at Traders Expo a lot and I'm glad to hear that you are moving ahead so well. You gave me the form example probably ten years ago at the show.

I open a new Windows.Form that can be moved to another monitor. Keyboard commands call Standard C# code to write lines, dots and text to it and control the background color. I expect it would work with references to System, .Drawing and .Forms.

However, I was already a DotNet programmer so I started writing for WLP when you first introduced the DotNet version so it's probably time for me to do an update like you. The new structure looks really good.

If you could give me a WPF sample Strategy that does what I described above, I'd like to try superticker's suggestion.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
I think the best way would be to create a WL7ExtensionBase derived class. This lets you add your own menu to an "Extensions" menu which can open up your own child window in WL7. You can do it in another monitor if you open a Workspace/New Workspace Window.

The child window is a class derived from ChildWindow, which itself derives from WPF's UserControl. So you're really creating a UserControl and not a full blown window. I'll come up with a minimal example, and Marcel will need to figure out where to post that article on the new web site :D
- ago
Thank you very much. The form displays more like a radar screen than a traditional price/volume chart and I'm looking at other things. I have one for each timeframe that I use with the indicators in panes when looking through a database. WL has enabled me to write tools that have been more useful than fixed formulas for a complex system like the market where relationships change.

If I have a sample that compiles, I can work from that. I expect that others will find it as helpful as I have.
- ago

One more thing. The Form window is called from Execute() and uses variables calculated for the Pane window indicators as I go through tickers in a database.

 ( 6.47% )
- ago
I actually forgot, we do document it here ...



