- ago
I use a workscreen on which I display multiple charts running different strategies. I have specific capital amounts dedicated to these strategies, and ultimately would like to use this display to auto-stage (and possibly auto-trade).

Two questions:

1) if I enter a specific amount in the starting capital, will it increment as different trades are entered/exited (i.e. like a backtest)? For example, if I start with $5,000 and make $100 on a trade, will the next trade be for $5,100 or $5,000 again?

2) if I enter 1 in the Max Open positions, will it prevent a subsequent trade signal while there is an existing position in that strategy? Right now I'm getting multiple entries as different indicators are triggered, and I don't want an auto-trade to place these multiple entries.

1 Replies



 ( 5.94% )
- ago
1) Yes. WealthLab is always running hypothetical backtests. If you're not using the Portfolio Sync Trading Preferences, then you will definitely get only the signals based on the backtest settings/equity.

But if you want to use your true account equity, use the Trading Preference "Use Broker Account Value", and if it makes sense for your strategies, "Always set Exit Order Quantity..."

2) Re: Max Open positions
No. Hover the pointer of the "Max Open" labels and you'll see "backtest only". WL can "remove" positions in a backtest, but when you're trading live you will get ALL the signals and the broker will fill those trades. As explained in the Help (F1):

The "Max Open" settings provide a way to backtest different Position options without the need to change your code. They are applicable in backtesting and not in live trading.

To limit Open Positions in an account, you can enable Preferences > Trading > Thresholds > Open Positions.


