I have created a custom indicator and after I save it, it does not appear in the my indicator section after I restart WL7. After I click on new indicator and reenter the code the code complies ok and there are no wiggly lines. See SavePic. If I close the script and reopen it for editing it the script reappears with 8 red wiggly lines. The first wiggly line
After restarting WL7. The indicator no longer shows up in the My Indicators even though it exist in the WealthLab7 - Indicators file. See RestartWL7pic.

Thank you for your help in resolving this issue.
CODE:says "The namespace 'WealthLab.Indicators' already contains a definition for 'Pbh20' " See ReOpenPic.
public class Pbh20 : IndicatorBase
After restarting WL7. The indicator no longer shows up in the My Indicators even though it exist in the WealthLab7 - Indicators file. See RestartWL7pic.
Thank you for your help in resolving this issue.
Please restart WL7 with elevated privileges (as admin). Custom indicators require that for both creation and subsequent usage. Otherwise they will disappear.
Sorry I have been doing that. If you are not in admin mode you cannot start new indicator. Also I have enable the short cut to run as admin.
It looks like you've saved the indicator using the same class and namespace. This could raise a conflict. Could you try alter them e.g. Pbh200 or WealthLab.Indicators2 and delete the duplicate(s)?
I have recreated the indicator under the name of Pbh200. And the same thing happen. The script had saved to the Indicators folder but not reappear under the My Indicators folder. I thought that would have worked. Let me get this straight. You want me to save the script replacing WealthLab.Indicators with WealthLab.Indicators2.
using WealthLab.Core;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab.Indicators;
namespace WealthLab.Indicators
public class Pbh200 : IndicatorBase
What should I look for to distinguish what is a duplicate to delete? I have Pbh, Pbl, Pbl20, and trying to make Pbh20.
using WealthLab.Core;
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using WealthLab.Indicators;
namespace WealthLab.Indicators
public class Pbh200 : IndicatorBase
What should I look for to distinguish what is a duplicate to delete? I have Pbh, Pbl, Pbl20, and trying to make Pbh20.
If you'd like you can email us the Indicator file, perhaps it's something specific to the indicator code that's causing the issue? support@wealth-lab.com
Ok, done.
Your indicator is not showing up because the dynamic compilation is failing because it cannot find the Pbh and Pbl classes that are referenced in your Pbh20 indicator.
It's always been kind of tricky getting these custom indicators to work seamlessly in .NET, which is why we had to resort to letting them work only in Admin mode. But it seems you've uncovered a limitation. A custom indicator cannot reference another custom indicator.
Have you considered building your indicators into a library within a dev tool like Visual Studio? They could then reference each other normally and you'd get the benefit of having them organized into their own Indicator folder.
It's always been kind of tricky getting these custom indicators to work seamlessly in .NET, which is why we had to resort to letting them work only in Admin mode. But it seems you've uncovered a limitation. A custom indicator cannot reference another custom indicator.
Have you considered building your indicators into a library within a dev tool like Visual Studio? They could then reference each other normally and you'd get the benefit of having them organized into their own Indicator folder.
A custom indicator cannot reference another custom indicator.
Added a note to the documentation.
I can not find MyIndicator Folder, it is not visible on WL application. Custom indicator is not referencing any custom indicators. Also, tried using existing but renamed indicator but it is not showing on WL. Custom Indicators are showing on the AppData Drive folder but not showing on WL application
I can not find MyIndicator Folder, it is not visible on WL application. Custom indicator is not referencing any custom indicators. Also, tried using existing but renamed indicator but it is not showing on WL. Custom Indicators are showing on the AppData Drive folder but not showing on WL application
Hit F1 for Help > Indicators > Custom Indicators. First paragraph, read the Note.
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