- ago
What should I enter here if I want to make $100.00 for each silver contract?

4 Replies



 ( 4.82% )
- ago
If the Point Value of the mini Silver contract is $100, then you enter 100 for the Point Value. (I don't know what it is without taking the time to check.)

Until Build 14 is ready, the work around for the Point Profit Target is to divide the Points by the Point Value. So, if you want 1 point (which is $100), then you enter 0.01, which is 1/100.
 ( 4.82% )
- ago
I don't know what QSI is, but if it's COMEX MINY Silver, then the Point Value is $2500 and the increment is 0.0125. (The SI contract's Point Value is $5000.)

Anyway, given 2500 per point and a tick value of 0.0125, that's $31.25 per tick. So a profit of about $125 is 4 ticks, or 0.05. If this is the contract you're using (I'm not sure that it is), then you would enter 0.05 / 2500, or 0.00002 for the Point Profit Target for $125 (pre-Build 14). After Build 14, then you'd enter the actual points, 0.05.
Best Answer
- ago
Here is all the details about the SIlver Future, can you please tell me how to enter it?

 ( 4.82% )
- ago
I'll refer you to the User Guide > Extensions > IQ Feed, where at the end is this section:

Futures Specifications file
Having requested futures symbol data will result in the creation of an IQFutureSymbolSpecs.txt file in the WealthLab8 User data folder. (You can navigate to this folder quickly from WL8 > File > Open Weath-Lab User Data Folder.) Only as a convenience, shut down Wealth-Lab 8 and use the records in this file to copy and paste to Symbols.txt to add the symbol, point value, and decimals data instead of adding them one-by-one in the Markets & Symbols tool. Since contract margin is not available from IQFeed fundamentals, a placeholder value "11111" is inserted for the margin value, which you can edit as required.


