- ago

It would be great to not just have a "close position" option on the accounts window but also a "place order" that opens up the order window which allows limit/stop etc and not just market orders. A stage order would work as well, just something that gives you an editable order from the accounts window please.

Thanks for considering it.
8 Replies



- ago

Thanks for your suggestion. But we have the Order Manager where a manual order panel is accessible within one click of a Stage/Place button. Quite likely that you have it already open in a workspace. So this would just duplicate the existing functionality. Every such button takes place, eventually making the GUI appear crowded.
- ago
The problem though is that the order manager is that it doesn't have the last price. So if selling with a stop and you cant' put the stop above the last price and the price has changed that's an issue. It also doesn't list the number of shares you have in your account. Finally, if there's a change in signals with a strategy you can also have a lot of orphaned positions.

I don't believe in duplicating functionality for no reason but when I'm putting in feature requests it's because I've needed that functionality. I appreciate how much work and can be and how much work you have put into it so don't ask lightly.

With that logic btw you shouldn't have the close positions option in that window either. But if you're going to have it why not have full functionality instead of partial?

Thanks again for considering this.
 ( 6.47% )
- ago
The Order Manager has a streaming quote that should deliver the last price, at least while the market is open.
- ago
That's after you type a stock symbol in.

Imagine having 10 orphaned positions like what happened to me on Friday.

Each one, you have to have the account window and the order window open, switching back and forth for each one, type in the symbol then type in the order size and then the rest.

Compare that to right click your position, press place order and the order window opens up and you sell it with the correct number of shares with only having to type in the sell price.

It's not exactly duplicate functionality. But no worries.
- ago
You can close all the orhpan positions straight from the Accounts window with one click on either per Account (Flatten Account) or per Broker basis (Flatten Broker).
- ago
Which only places Market orders, and thus the feature request :)
- ago
You're making a good point but the choice of order type moves the tool away from the closing of positions into some market timing. Imagine a user in urgency needing some sort of Panic button who's presented with numerous choices and not sure which one to pick in urgency. The initial concept has elegance but throwing more features will inevitably crowd the GUI. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- ago
I understand. But will it though?

The panic buttons are up top. If someone is panicking they'll cancel all with those, not with a right-click on each individual position.

I'm only suggesting stage and place order options at the bottom of the right-click window.

But no worries at all. You all have enough on your plate - I just thought this might be a cut and paste feature from the signals, orders and quotes windows. And I really do appreciate the implementation of some of my other suggestions in the latest build :)


