This might sound like an obvious question, but I can't find any discussion of it when I search. So, on the position tab of back test results we get a table with multiple columns. The column labeled Quantity, Is that the number of shares purchased? In other words if I multiple the quantity number by the entry share price, I will get the total equity put into that trade, right?
Second question, is there any way to add columns to that table? I would like one that shows what the account total equity was on that date when the position was entered.
Thanks in advance for your help
Second question, is there any way to add columns to that table? I would like one that shows what the account total equity was on that date when the position was entered.
Thanks in advance for your help
QUOTE:Yes, shares or contracts. For stocks, shares x qty = $ trade equity.
The column labeled Quantity, Is that the number of shares purchased?
QUOTE:You can add the columns for Position ScoreCards you have installed from Preferences (F12) > Position Metrics. "Account total equity" on the trade date isn't in the Basic Scorecard, so unless finantic has something, you'd have to make it yourself. fwiw, you can hover over the Equity curve, which shows the total account equity and holdings on any given date.
Second question, is there any way to add columns to that table?
You can add the columns for Position ScoreCards
Yes, if you're a programmer, you can create your own Position ScoreCards to add columns to the Positions tabulation. And that sounds like what you want to do.
There are simpler ways to get the same effect by redefining the Tag property of a Transaction (not a Position). You can define a combination of values as a single string, then assign that string to the Tag property of a Transaction so the Positions table displays that string. And that's the way I did it before Position ScoreCards became available.
PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Stop, stopPrice, "123pattn stop Buy") .Tag = string.Format("{0:N1} {1:N2}", attribs.atrMerit, attribs.zigZagMerit); //assigning a Transaction property Tag
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