- ago
After a Windows Update and reboot, my Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref framework vanished. I'm not sure what's going on there. I'm running Windows 10 Pro.

Anyway, I tried to NuGet the 10.0.19041.48 version of this missing SDK, but NuGet won't install it. It gives the error message below saying my Superticker.Components project doesn't support "DotnetPlatform". This was never a problem before. What's going on?

6 Replies



 ( 4.95% )
- ago
What’s the purpose of this sdk/package?
- ago
Well, that's a good question. I have no idea what it's for. I "think" it has something to do with the Windows interface that's required when employing .NET 8.0, but that's only a guess. My project also employs the WebClient class.

I'm getting the feeling your builds don't require it. Is that true? Maybe it's something the finantic.InteractiveGraphics extension uses for displaying ScottPlot windows, but that's just a wild guess. My project does call that extension.

What's weird is that I built this Superticker.Components project the day before without problems. But after the Windows Update ran on Windows 10 Pro overnight, and the reboot, that SDK is no longer present. I assumed the Windows update was no longer compatible with that SDK version, but then why didn't Windows Update replace it?

I have thought about running the update for Visual Studio to see if that would fix it. I'm still giving that some thought. I was hoping others would have had the same problem and would suggest a fix first.

Maybe I should try to remove its reference and see if that fixes it.

I'm reading that this SDK has something to do with MVVM, which sounds like a WPF function to me. So maybe it is used by the finantic.InteractiveGraphics extension after all, which opens a ScottPlot child window. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78981306/microsoft-windows-sdk-net-ref-error-with-community-toolkit-is-not-exists
- ago
I discovered that Visual Studio Community 2022 upgraded itself to Version 17.11.5 without my realization. So this Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref phantom reference problem may be related to that recent upgrade. I tried selecting "Remove Unused References..." in VS, but that did not remove the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref reference. I then tried building the solution and that succeeded.

The Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref references remains with an empty path. That has since changed. Apparently, the VS update takes a few VS restarts to get fully installed. The Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.Ref framework directory is no longer empty; it now has three assemblies. (I still don't know what they're for.)
Best Answer
- ago
The upgrade of Visual Studio to Version 17.11.5 is causing me issues also. I don't know if they are related.

My library of strategies no longer appears in the strategies navigation panel. Reverting to a previously compiled backup of the dll does not have this issue.

Compiling a very basic code-based strategy that uses any of my newly compiled libraries now results in a WealthLab compilation error: "0: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception."

Reverting back to previous code branches that worked fine before, then re-compiling the branch in the Visual Studio 17.11.5 version environment now results in these issues also.

I assume VS has changed something in the build that WealthLab is sensitive to.
- ago
I was able to roll back to Visual Studio to Version 17.11.3 and this fixed the issue.
Visual Studio Installer has an easy roll back option.
- ago
I assume VS has changed something in the build [Version 17.11.5] that WealthLab is sensitive to.

Apparently. I only build code libraries with VS, not strategies. But I agree, it sounds like the VS version update has affected your strategy library interface to WL. It may not be VS itself that is the problem. I think some framework references were changed around.

At least for code libraries, VS 17.11.5 seems to be working.


