- ago
WL strategies allow reading additional symbol data, in addition to their single symbol or dataset being processed. This allows for example a consultation on an index's value or or an indicator's value for the index. Doing so requires specifying the index or benchmark symbol in c# or building block (transformer indicator: SymbolInd).

The request would allow strategies to obtain the benchmark symbol (from the strategy settings page) - and thus avoid hardcoding a consulted symbol.

Thanks for your support
4 Replies



- ago
Benchmark symbol is of course available to strategies in WealthScript, so your request seems to be focused on Blocks. Changed the title accordingly.


How exactly would you use such feature in Blocks if it were available? I mean the ability to reference the Benchmark symbol. Give us a few scenarios.
- ago
Thanks Eugene. Indeed liking blocks more and more !!

The idea would be to trigger buy/sell conditions based on a combination of the strategy's symbol indicator being processed together with an indicator value for the benchmark. Having the benchmark symbol brought into SymbolInd - would allow different datasets processed with their specific benchmark, as opposed to hardcoding a benchmark symbol and keeping separate strategy blocks.

For example you could have a strategy check against a stock's ultosc() level when the benchmark is below rsi(20) to trigger an order
- ago
Having the benchmark symbol brought into SymbolInd

I'm afraid that beefing up the SymbolInd with benchmark symbol (I don't see its applicability outside the SymbolInd) won't be an easy task. The Benchmark symbol is now returned by WL8 on a per-Strategy basis and the Strategy context simply does not exist in an Indicator (they can be dropped on a chart, for example).

@Glitch, what do you think?
 ( 4.98% )
- ago
It's a feature request to do something in a different way that can already be accomplished (it's just a symbol edit, just like the benchmark symbol is), and there's only one vote (at the time of this post). Let's move on. Sorry mb, but there really are bigger fish to fry.


