- ago
I have IB Gateway controlled by IBC so it stays running during the week (to be exact, it does an auto restart at 11.45pm each night) which avoids the full log on routine more than once a week. (I logout on Saturday afternoon and log back in Sunday afternoon.)

During the week is there any way of auto reconnecting WL to IB Gateway at the start of each trading session? Or is it a case of having to always manually click Connect?

7 Replies



 ( 6.07% )
- ago
It should connect automatically when you make a request to IB (data, positions, etc).

The best way is to using the Task Scheduler to start WealthLab after the IB Gateway (or TWS) starts. That should do it, but it will help to have a Accounts tool in the Workspace to initialize the broker right away.

You'll need to find a way to close before that Task Scheduler start up though.
- ago

"It should connect automatically when you make a request to IB (data, positions, etc)."

It did previously but now doesn't

"The best way is to using the Task Scheduler to start WealthLab after the IB Gateway (or TWS) starts."

I'd like to avoid that if I can because I don't want to lose my auto-trade position data.

"That should do it, but it will help to have a Accounts tool in the Workspace to initialize the broker right away"

That sounds interesting - pls can you elaborate a bit more? Thx
 ( 6.07% )
- ago
At this time we're not able to guarantee a connection after TWS (or Gateway) restarts without restarting WealthLab too.

Re: I don't want to lose my auto-trade position data.
Understandable. As long as you're not trading multiple positions per symbol, "Use Live Positions" should keep your strategy in sync with Account positions.

Re: Accounts tool
When this tool is launched, it automatically connects to all active brokers and requests Account positions to initialize it.
Best Answer
- ago
Excellent. Many thanks. V helpful
- ago
Sorry - one last question. As a workaround, is it possible to write a script with a timer that will automatically reconnect to IB at a specific time each day? (I had a quick look through the C# QuickRef and couldn't see any broker connectivity functions, but I may have missed them.) Thx
 ( 6.07% )
- ago
You can't control the connection directly apart from Order Manager "Connect" or opening the Accounts tool. But it doesn't guarantee success.

The only other way to initiate a connection is to create a data request that hits IB -
You could schedule a request for Daily data at a specific time in the S. Monitor using any strategy with symbol EUR.USD, for example. To see if that symbol will resolve to IB, open a chart and enter it. If you don't see IB at the bottom, you'll need to move IB higher in the Data Manager's list of Historical Providers.

Is there a reason you can't take a couple minutes to do it manually and ensure you're connected?
- ago
Thx that's a great idea.

The reason for not wanting to do it manually is that I'm travelling a lot at the moment including places with v poor internet. So I may not be able to log in remotely every day to do this manually.


