- ago
I have a customized Entry Building Block. Running the block with strategy evolver works fine. Evolver is collecting the apex strategies. After stopping the process I can open the strategies in evolver tab. But when opening an apex strategy, the parameters of entry block are missing. Can you give me a hint without the customized code of the block?

Open strategy from evolver tab:

Open strategy from apex strategies:

7 Replies



 ( 11.36% )
- ago
They look like two different strategies. They have different exit blocks even.

it I’ll take a look and see if there’s any work to be done in apex strategies.
- ago
I have made another test, same bad result: Opened Apex strategy has lost parameters. - I hope you can reproduce it.

Code for Entry Building Block:
using WealthLab.Backtest; using WealthLab.Core; namespace WealthLabCustom { public class BuyMarketOneIndicator : EntryExitBuildingBlock { public override string Name => "Buy Market RND Indicator"; public override bool IsEntry => true; public override bool IsExit => false; public override PositionType? PositionType => WealthLab.Backtest.PositionType.Long; //parameters public override void GenerateParameters() { AddIndicatorParameter("Indicator1", "SMA");//0 AddValueCompareParameter("is", "greater than");//1 AddParameter("Thresh", ParameterType.Double, 10);//2 } //indicators public override void Initialize() { //register variable RegisterVariable("indicator1", "IndicatorBase"); RegisterVariable("indicatorRatio", "TimeSeries"); } //generate init code public override void GenerateInitCode() { GenerateIndicatorInitCode(0, "indicator1"); InitCode.Add("\t<indicatorRatio> = <indicator1> / bars.Close - 1;"); } //code in execute section public override void GenerateMainCode() { string compareOp = Parameters[1].AsCompareOperation; string thres = Convert.ToString(Parameters[2].AsDouble / 10000); thres = thres.Replace(',', '.'); MainCode.Add("if (<indicatorRatio>[idx] " + compareOp + " " + thres + ")"); MainCode.Add("{"); MainCode.Add("\t_transaction = PlaceTrade(bars, TransactionType.Buy, OrderType.Market, 0," + GroupCode + ");"); MainCode.Add("}"); base.GenerateMainCode(); } //associate building block with strategy gene public override StrategyGeneBase GetGene() { BuyMarketOneIndicatorGene buyMarketOneIndicatorGene = new BuyMarketOneIndicatorGene(); buyMarketOneIndicatorGene.IndicatorAbbreviation1 = Parameters[0].IndicatorAbbreviation; buyMarketOneIndicatorGene.IndicatorParameters1 = Parameters[0].IndicatorParameters; buyMarketOneIndicatorGene.AboveOrBelow = (AboveBelow)Parameters[1].Value; buyMarketOneIndicatorGene.Thresh = (double)Parameters[3].Value; return buyMarketOneIndicatorGene; } } }

Gene Code:

using WealthLab.Backtest; using WealthLab.Core; using WealthLab.Indicators; using WealthLabCustom.StrategyGenes; namespace WealthLabCustom { public class BuyMarketOneIndicatorGene : StrategyGeneBase { //gene name public override string Name => "Buy Market when Close < RND indicator"; //buy simple public override string ShortCode => "BrndI"; public override bool IsEntry => true; public override bool IsExit => false; //Genes to randomize public string IndicatorAbbreviation1 { get; set; } = ""; public ParameterList IndicatorParameters1 { get; set; } = new ParameterList(); public AboveBelow AboveOrBelow { get; set; } public double Thresh { get; set; } //randomize public override void Randomize() { IndicatorBase ind1 = IndicatorFactory.Instance.Smoothers.RandomValue; IndicatorAbbreviation1 = ind1.Abbreviation; IndicatorParameters1 = ind1.Parameters.Clone(); RandomizeParameters(IndicatorParameters1); AboveOrBelow = RNG.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? AboveBelow.Above : AboveBelow.Below; Thresh = Convert.ToDouble(RNG.Next(120)); } //No Generation 2 possible? /*public override void Mutate(GeneticStrategy gs) { if (RNG.NextDouble() > 0.25) { AboveOrBelow = AboveOrBelow.Opposite(); } }*/ //create building block public override BuildingBlockBase GetBuildingBlock() { BuyMarketOneIndicator buyMarketOneIndicator = new BuyMarketOneIndicator(); buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[0].IndicatorAbbreviation = IndicatorAbbreviation1; buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[0].IndicatorParameters = IndicatorParameters1; buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[1].Value = AboveOrBelow.AsLessThanGreaterThan(); buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[2].Value = Thresh; return buyMarketOneIndicator; } } }

In Gene Roster following 2 items are checked: Entry block and "Sell after N bars". Test data are WD DOW 30, last 5 years. Position size 7% of equity, starting capital 100 000.


Evolver (opening strategy from Evolver works fine):

Opened Evolver strategy:

APEX strategies (opening strategies here, parameters are lost):

Opened Apex strategy:

- ago
Opening an Apex strategy isn't different from regular strategies. You're using a custom indicator/strategy library. Perhaps there's an oversight in the Random indicator value code?
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
It looks like your customized buiklding blocks might not be coded correctly or completely.

Look at the Sell after N Bars and Sell at XX% Profit Target Blocks that you opened from the Apex, those parameters did carry over.
- ago
You are right, but "Sell after N bars" is here a standard WL-block. I don't know, but for me there is obviously a difference in opening Evolver/Apex strategies.

Randomizing the indicator:

IndicatorBase ib = IndicatorFactory.Instance.Smoothers.RandomValue; while (ib.Abbreviation.Equals("")) { ib = IndicatorFactory.Instance.Smoothers.RandomValue; } IndicatorAbbreviation1 = ib.Abbreviation; IndicatorParameters1 = ib.Parameters.Clone(); RandomizeParameters(IndicatorParameters1);

then calling the method for building the block:

public override BuildingBlockBase GetBuildingBlock() { BuyMarketOneIndicator buyMarketOneIndicator = new BuyMarketOneIndicator(); if (IndicatorAbbreviation1 != "") { buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[0].IndicatorAbbreviation = IndicatorAbbreviation1; buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[0].IndicatorParameters = IndicatorParameters1; buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[1].Value = AboveOrBelow.AsLessThanGreaterThan(); buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[2].Value = 0815; } else { buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[0].IndicatorAbbreviation = PriceComponent.AveragePriceHL.ToString(); buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[1].Value = AboveOrBelow.AsLessThanGreaterThan(); buyMarketOneIndicator.Parameters[2].Value = 1015; } return buyMarketOneIndicator; }

Calling it from Apex it looks like, that indicator's abbrevation is empty. But why is it different when calling it by Evolver?
 ( 11.36% )
- ago
>>You are right, but "Sell after N bars" is here a standard WL-block.<<

That's my point. It's operating correctly for all of the standard Blocks that we created.

If I had to guess I would say your custom Genes don't implement (or implement incorrectly) the GeneData get/set methods.
Best Answer
- ago
Ok, now I have got it. For getting the parameters in Apex strategies they have to be stored in class GeneData-property.

public override string GeneData

Thanks for the hint!


